Employee-related, environmental and social information


A small team At 31 December 2017, the Company’s headcount amounted to 22 (13 men and 9 women), including the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer. All employees conduct their activities at the registered office and within the FFP Investment UK Ltd subsidiary. In 2017, six new employees joined and two existing employees left the Company. The age range was between 31 and 67 years at 31 December 2017. With the exception of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, all employees hold a permanent employment contract. FFP had no temporary staff and one part-time employee at 31 December 2017. The Company has to abide by French legislation on the 35-hour work week. That said, the majority of its employees have manager status. Training and professional development Employees received 21 hours of training in 2017, mainly in the areas of finance, accounting and languages. Organisation of working hours The company did not experience any absenteeism problems among its staff in 2017. There were no work accidents in 2017. Remuneration and benefits FFP’s payroll amounted to €3,819,122 in 2017 (versus €2,660,898 in 2016) and social security costs totalled €2,185,904 (versus €1,644,126 in 2016). Employees and corporate officers benefit from an incentive agreement. A sum of €129,400 was paid under this agreement in 2017. Every employee has the option to have some or all of his/her incentive bonus paid into a corporate savings plan and/or PERCO collective retirement savings plan managed by an external financial partner. The regulations of this PERCO plan were supplemented by an agreement entered into in 2015 pursuant to the “Macron act” no. 2015-990 on the forfait social (corporate social contribution). FFP and Établissements Peugeot Frères, which together form an economic and social unit, held an election for an employee representative on 4 February 2016. The elected official was designated as a union representative, enabling FFP to enter into collective agreements. In 2017, amendments to the corporate savings plan and PERCO plan were signed and an amendment to the collective agreement introducing supplementary healthcare cover was also signed.

INVESTING RESPONSIBLY: CSR AT LISTED INVESTEES In this section, please note the following: As listed companies, Peugeot SA, SEB SA, LISI, ORPEA, SPIE, Immobilière Dassault and Tikehau Capital publish exhaustive information about their CSR/ESG approaches in their registration documents. Those policies are reviewed by independent third-party organisations in accordance with Grenelle II regulations. The CIEL group, listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and Swiss group DKSH, listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, are not subject to French CSR reporting regulations. The information below is presented for information only and illustrates the main features of the responsible approaches taken by FFP’s listed investees. The information comes from the CSR questionnaire that FFP sends to all its investees. As a responsible investor, FFP wants to boost the holistic value creation of all its investees and ensure that it continues over the long term. The other matters covered by decree no. 2002-221 of 20 February 2002 implementing article L. 225-201-1 of the French Commercial Code – i.e. health and safety, training, employment and the integration of disabled workers, social benefits and outsourcing – do not require any comments owing to the specific nature of the Company’s activities and its limited headcount. In accordance with article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code, the company adheres in its recruitment activities to the principles of combating discrimination and promoting diversity and, more broadly, with the International Labour Organization’s Core Conventions. Furthermore, because of FFP’s activities as an industrial and financial holding company, the provisions of article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code on environmental and social reporting are not applied because they are not relevant to the company’s internal operational arrangements. However, environmental and social issues are addressed by FFP as part of its investment policy by gradually taking into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.




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