Employee-related, environmental and social information
Peugeot SA
Duty of vigilance In accordance with regulations regarding the duty of vigilance, the group has introduced reasonable vigilance measures enabling it to identify and prevent risks across its value chain, distinguishing between two types of activities: O those of the company and the companies it controls directly or indirectly; O those of subcontractors or suppliers with which it has an established commercial relationship. The vigilance plan includes the following measures: O risk mapping; O appropriate actions to mitigate risks and prevent serious breaches, including policies defined by departments regarding CSR issues and training for purchasing staff (supplier selection/ training/sanction criteria); O a system for receiving alerts and indications about the existence or realisation of risks; O a system for monitoring measures adopted and assessing their effectiveness. The purchasing department has identified a major risk of human rights violations among raw materials suppliers, particularly companies supplying cobalt for batteries. All battery suppliers have been alerted and asked about the following matters: O the adoption of systems to manage this risk throughout their supply chain; O entities in their supply chain that are involved in supplying cobalt; O audit methods used to check their supply chain; O alternative solutions proposed in the event that sourcing does not comply with the group’s CSR requirements. PROACTIVE APPROACH TO THE SUPPLY CHAIN
CSR APPROACH The PSA Group has had a CSR approach for many years. The group takes into account social, workforce-related and environmental changes within its ecosystem, and adjusts its strategy and adopts action plans as appropriate. The group’s CSR commitment has become an integral part of its strategy. In 2017, PSA revised its CSR materiality matrix. Seven macro risks were identified, which the group is committed to tackling as part of a global roadmap for achieving Sustainable Development Objectives: climate change; scarce resources; people’s health and wellbeing; unequal economic development between regions; human rights and breaches of ethical rules; development of the group’s people; and customer expectations and market risks. In relation to these macro risks, the group and its stakeholders have ranked 23 issues to be addressed by 2035. In 2017, the group was ranked number one in the automotive sector by DJSI and Vigeo. It is a member of leading ESG indexes such as FTSE4Good and STOXX. Compliance with the Sapin II act The “compliance and internal control” organisation has been strengthened with the appointment of new compliance officers and the introduction of a new alert system. Employees at Opel – which the group acquired in 2017 – have been integrated into the system. The group has bolstered its anti-corruption efforts, with publishing and globally implementing an anti-corruption code that forms part of its internal rules, preparing a risk map, and introducing a policy of due diligence with respect to its partners (including suppliers, customers, entities with which it co-operates, intermediaries and advisors). BUSINESS ETHICS
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