Employee-related, environmental and social information


In 2017, FFP committed €2 million to the €30 million Alpha Diamant II fund, managed by Amboise Partners (formerly Apax Partners). The capital gains achieved by this fund are used to finance the government-approved AlphaOmega foundation, which is pioneering venture philanthropy in France. AlphaOmega was set up in 2010 by Maurice Tchenio, and its role is to help disadvantaged children and young people in France to achieve long-term independence through education and integration into the workforce. It works with charities doing effective work in these areas over the long term, based on venture philanthropy principles, giving them funding and skills-based support in order to increase their social impact and boost their development. At the same time, AlphaOmega is developing expertise in dealing with issues related to disadvantaged children and young people, in order to put forward proposals to the public authorities. AlphaOmega currently supports five charities that in turn help more than 160,000 children and young people, mainly through 15,000 teachers and front-line workers:

O Association Coup de Pouce: preventing early academic failure; O Les Écoles de la 2 e Chance (E2C): integrating young people who have left the education system without any qualifications; O Entreprendre pour Apprendre (EPA): introducing young people to entrepreneurship; O Association de la Fondation Étudiante pour la Ville (AFEV): providing one-to-one support to young people experiencing difficulties; O Énergie Jeunes: developing the academic resilience of secondary-school students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In 2017, the AlphaOmega foundation made a decisive step forward by launching a €20 million Social Impact Bond, which should double its annual budget from €2 million to €4 million on average. The foundation’s aims for 2018 are to set up an AlphaOmega Think Tank, tasked with producing reports and devising proposals in the educational field, and to support our charities, focusing on measuring their impact in order to show how effective their actions are.




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