Employee-related, environmental and social information
Employee-related, environmental and social information
FFP intends to contribute, as a minority investor and responsible long-term shareholder, to its investees’ value creation by combining economic development, social progress and efforts to minimise environmental impacts. FFP strongly believes that taking into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues creates opportunities, and enhances the effectiveness and performance of its direct and indirect shareholdings.
Governance In 2017, the company set up an operational ESG steering committee. This Committee brings together various representatives of functional and operational departments, i.e. Executive Management, the Legal Department, the Investment Department and the Financial Department. Its aim is to co-ordinate FFP’s approach, make ESG criteria an integral part of FFP’s activities and business lines, and disseminate and share best practice within the group. Also in 2017, members of the Management Committee attended a half-day presentation of regulatory developments regarding non- financial reporting and a review of the responsible practices of FFP’s direct and indirect investees. ESG charter In 2016, FFP adopted a Responsible Investor Charter. This charter sets out the values of the company and is the reference framework for the day-to-day work and actions of all staff and managers, in accordance with regulations in force. The charter is available on the FFP website. As a minority shareholder, the company is not involved in the operational management of its listed or unlisted investees. However, FFP is represented in investees’ governance bodies by having members on their Boards of Directors or Supervisory Boards. In this context, the company seeks to fulfil its responsibilities by ensuring that ESG issues are factored into investees’ risk management and development, through constant dialogue with their management teams.
Investing responsibly FFP assesses ESG risks and opportunities throughout the lifecycle of its direct and indirect investments.
DIRECT INVESTMENTS O At the time of acquisition:
When FFP is looking into acquiring a stake, it carries out due diligence on environmental and workforce-related issues on a case-by-case basis, depending on the company’s risk profile. O Working with companies over the long term: In 2017, FFP again sent CSR (corporate social responsibility) questionnaires to its direct and indirect investees. A brief presentation of the main CSR issues and highlights is set out below. INDIRECT INVESTMENTS In 2017, FFP made commitments to nine new private equity funds. Six partner funds are already taking into account ESG criteria in the following way: O four funds are signatories to the United Nations PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment). Accordingly, they have defined a certain number of ESG criteria and require their investees to carry out specific reporting, with the assistance of specialist consultants. Three asset managers publish an ESG annual report for their investors, setting out their in-house achievements during the year but also those of the companies they support; O one fund specialises in the venture philanthropy sector. The capital gains generated by this fund finance the AlphaOmega foundation, which provides funding and skills to charities specialising in the education of disadvantaged young people in France, but also to develop a monitoring organisation focusing on disadvantaged young people in France; O two funds that are not PRI signatories have adopted an in-house ESG charter; O five funds have appointed a representative in charge of ESG matters; O three funds (out of nine) have not yet factored in these ESG criteria because of the sectors in which they invest (e-commerce, software, digital etc.) and their investees’ stage of maturity (start-ups or young SMEs). FFP has also made supported three asset management companies focusing on sustainability, impact investing and venture philanthropy: Impact Partenaires, Alter Equity and Amboise Partners.
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