Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Attracting and retaining talent #WeAreExclusive

Reasons for departures

Turnover of permanent employees


12% Involuntary

79% Voluntary


17.10% 18.60%

8% End of fixed-term contract

1% Retirement

Generation Z ʛϿ ʤʬʬlsʜ

Millennials ʛʤʬlzʤʠʤʬʬʩʜ

Generation X ʛʤʬʩʨʠʤʬlzʣʜ

Baby Boomers ʛϾ ʤʬʩʧʜ

[GRI 401-1-b]

We note that in 80% of cases, it is the employee who chooses to leave the company, and half of the departures due to the end of a contract are attributable to the employee’s student status (interns and apprentices). This situation reflects the strong skills shortage in the cybersecurity sector worldwide (see section 3.4.1). Technical engineers and sales functions are the professions with the highest turnover. Among permanent employees, there is a correlation between turnover and age, with a gap of more than 10 points between Generation Z and Baby Boomers, and a turnover of men 30% higher than that of women.

Compensation and changes (1) The annual payroll for 2022, including salaries and social security contributions, taken from the consolidated financial statements of the Exclusive Networks Group, is €183 million, up 19% compared with 2021, as a result of the increase in the workforce, exchange rate impacts and the integration of acquisitions made in 2021.

(1) Figures based on the full consolidation scope of the Group for consistency with the published accounts.


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022


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