Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022
Attracting and retaining talent #WeAreExclusive
Breakdown of the workforce by generation
Recruitments On the scope taken into account for this report, 571 recruitments were made in 2022, distributed as follows: Recruitment by generation and gender
7% Generation Z
33% Generation X
56% Millennials
4% Baby Boomers
For the scope of this report, the average age is just under 34 years, with more than half of the workforce belonging to the Millennials generation (between 26 and 41 years old). Average length of service is 4.6 years and there was a net growth in the workforce of 6.7% in 2022. [GRI 2-7-a/2-7-e] Proportion of employees with fixed-term/ open-ended contracts The Exclusive Networks Group offers stable employment contracts to its employees: 97% of the contracts are open-ended and of the remaining 3%, almost 2% are trainees or apprentices. 94% of employees work full time, with full-time recruitment being the norm. The vast majority of part-time employees have chosen to work on part-time contracts. We note that this distribution differs according to gender: 11% of the Group’s female employees work part-time, compared with 3% of the male employees. Workforce as at 31 December 2022 As at 31 December 2022, there were 1,922 employees in the scope of consolidation of this report, and 2,558 in the Exclusive Networks Group as a whole (75% of the Group’s workforce is covered by the extra-financial performance statement). Based on the number of new hires and departures during the year, the Group’s total workforce is up 5.7% compared with 31 December 2021. [GRI 2-7-b] Breakdown of contracts: full-time and part-time
Generation Z ʛϿ ʤʬʬlsʜ
Millennials ʛʤʬlzʤʠʤʬʬʩʜ
Generation X ʛʤʬʩʨʠʤʬlzʣʜ
Baby Boomers ʛϾ ʤʬʩʧʜ
As with the Group’s workforce, 50% of recruitments involved employees from the Millennials generation (26 to 41 years). We also note that 26% of the employees who joined the Group were under 26, which can be explained by the setting up of the Exclusive Academy (see Chapter 4.6), and by a large number of interns and apprentices, a sign of the Group’s community involvement to training young people. The proportion in terms of parity is stable, with 60% of male new hires. Geographically, the distribution of hires is close to that of the workforce, with 78% for the EMEA region, 10% for the Asia-Pacific region, 8% for the Group functions and 5% for the Americas region. [GRI 401-1-a] Departures On the scope taken into account for this report, 455 people left the Group in 2022, with a slight over-representation of men, as well as the Asia-Pacific region and Group functions, that represent however only 16% of the total workforce. Departures by generation and gender
26 37
Generation Z ʛϿ ʤʬʬlsʜ
Millennials ʛʤʬlzʤʠʤʬʬʩʜ
Generation X ʛʤʬʩʨʠʤʬlzʣʜ
Baby Boomers ʛϾ ʤʬʩʧʜ
Exclusive Networks
Sustainability Report 2022
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