Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Attracting and retaining talent Health and safety


Health and safety

to zero (accidents that resulted in at least a one-day absence from work are taken into account). The absenteeism rate is also low, including compared to service industries.

Preserving staff health and safety Within the scope of this report, there was only one work-related accident in 2022 that resulted in 15 days’ absence from work, which explains a severity rate close


2022 results

Protect health and ensure the safety of our employees [GRI 403-9-a]/SDG 8.8

Frequency ratio: 0.28 Severity rate: 0 Absenteeism rate (a) : 1.80

(a) Absence is defined as the non-attendance at work when attendance was expected (parental leave is excluded).

The main advice was: to get some rest, time for yourself, exercise and if possible go outdoors. With this in mind, a number of activities were organised throughout the month to help each employee to take time to look after their own mental health and de-stress. “Free time at 3pm”: knowing that it can be difficult to find time for oneself, the company encouraged employees to choose a day to leave early and do something for themselves. Whether it was flying a kite, swimming, running, or trying something new, everyone was free to choose. In the office, a number of activities were proposed in break rooms to help de-stress, such as books, crafts, board games or a yoga session. In addition, as research has shown that spending time with animals helps to reduce stress, animal visits were organised. To get out and about, group nature walks were proposed at lunchtime. Employees were also able to take advantage of an online platform that offers secure and confidential information and advice on well-being and stress management. [GRI 403-7]/SDG 3.4

As a result of the external growth carried out by the Exclusive Networks Group in recent years, the staff is spread over a large number of companies (see section 8.1). The nature of the Group’s activities as well as the small number of employees per company explains why very few of them are certified according to a health and safety standard, without reflecting the importance of this subject for the Group and the commitment of the Human Resources Managers. As a result 10% of the workforce is represented in a collective health or safety body while 8% is employed in a company with a health and safety certification. [GRI 403-1/403-4] Improving health conditions at work: stress awareness month In April, Exclusive Networks UK organised a stress awareness campaign for employees, proposing them a number of tips and activities to help them deal with stress. The campaign was organised in cooperation with the charity Mind, with which Exclusive Networks UK has a charity partnership for the year 2022 (see section 7.1), and whose philosophy is to raise public awareness about mental health.


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022

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