Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Attracting and retaining talent Training and skills development

why the succession plan is closely linked to the Rise Up programme. The Human Resources Department is also attentive to the diversity of the people identified in the succession plan, whether in terms of gender, profile or nationality.

Governance All these measures are regularly reviewed by the Group’s Executive Committee. The Long Term Incentive Plan and the succession plans are also submitted to the Nomination and Compensation Committee for approval and presented to the Board of Directors.


Training and skills development

The skills development policy of the Exclusive Networks Group is directly linked to the company’s strategy. Two types of training are proposed to employees:  “technical” training, which aims to help employees to maintain and develop their technical skills in their job. This training is essential in the cybersecurity sector, where innovation is constant. This may include training or certification provided by vendors on new products or technologies, which in some cases may require that staff working on these products be certified;  training to develop the behavioural and personal skills of employees (soft skills). New skills development programme Following the findings of the first annual employee engagement survey conducted in 2021, the Exclusive Networks Group committed to implementing a professional and personal development programme for its employees. The Group’s Human Resources Department therefore launched a pilot programme in the form of an e-learning platform, under the slogan “Learn, Commit, Grow: a unique experience to be at the heart of your personal development”. This campaign was sent to a first group of employees, identified by their managers in collaboration with local HR managers.

The encouraging results and the involvement of employees in this programme led the Group to renew it in 2022 and to extend it to more than 600 people, including employees identified as “talents” (see section 4.4). The personal development platform selected by the Human Resources Department is recognised as a best in class, with a digital library of more than 16,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software, marketing and creative subjects, available in more than 10 languages. The benefits of this programme are:  unlimited personal access;  multi-device access;  multiple formats available (videos, courses, learning programmes);  flexible duration (from two minutes to several hours); Throughout the year, the main training modules taken are leadership and management, security, business software and sales. Examples of modules that were popular with employees include “Cybersecurity Basics”, “Six Morning Habits of Effective People”, “Improving Concentration” and “Expressing Yourself Confidently and Effectively”... [GRI 404-2-a]  several levels, from beginner to advanced;  personalised course recommendations.


2022 results

Maintain and develop the technical and business skills of employees Implement a personal development programme [GRI 404-1-a]/SDG 4.3 & 4.4

674 certified employees with 1,395 new certifications

228 video courses, i.e. nearly 10 hours per employee 524 employees attended at least one course 152 employees attended at least one training module (>3 hours) €955,000 committed to all training programmes, representing a contribution rate of 0.5% .(a)

(a) Figures based on the full consolidation scope of the Group for consistency with the published accounts.


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022

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