Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Attracting and retaining talent Performance and talent programme


Performance and talent programme

As the findings of the materiality analysis show, attracting and developing talent is the Exclusive Networks Group’s main challenge in terms of sustainability (see section 2.3). To this end, the Group strives to build a strong employer brand in order to attract talents from all countries, ages and origins, to contribute to their development and make them want to stay with the company. In this connection, the Group’s Human Resources Department designs and implements a number of programmes aimed at the professional development of employees, giving them the opportunity to continue to learn and evolve (see section 4.5), with the aim of promoting employee retention and reducing the risk of skills loss.

The strategy includes a number of schemes, which are implemented with different groups of employees.

Performance assessment and career development Since 2021, the Group’s Human Resources Department has introduced an annual interview allowing all employees to discuss with their manager about their performance assessment, objectives for the coming year, training and development opportunities in their function and career development prospects. This process concerns all Group employees present on 30 September of the previous year.


2022 result

Discuss their performance assessment and career prospects with each employee [GRI 404-3-a]

81% of employees completed a performance and career development review with their manager

Talent identification and retention programme

Long-term compensation Since its Initial Public Offering, the Exclusive Networks Group has set up a free share allocation plan, which aims to associate and align the financial interests of the managers and a number of key contributors with those of the shareholders, as well as to retain them in the long-term. Shares vest only if performance conditions in line with the Group’s strategy are met, and also if the employee is still working in the company. The performance indicators used for this first plan are based on the Group’s financial performance. The purpose of this additional compensation mechanism is to motivate and retain beneficiaries by directly involving them in the Group’s development. Succession plans To ensure business continuity, the Exclusive Networks Group has set up a succession plan for a number of strategic functions, both at a global and local level. Given the very tight labour market in the cybersecurity sector and for certain functions (section 4.1), the aim is to anticipate the departure of a key employee, so that it does not jeopardise the continuity of the organisation and the achievement of the company’s objectives. The first phase consists in identifying these key functions, which may be management positions or highly specialised skills essential to the Group’s development. In a second phase, a survey is carried out internally with the support of Human Resources managers and managers, to identify employees likely to move into these positions in the short or medium term, as well as specific training plans to support their skills development. This is

To address the skills shortage and improve talent retention, the Group’s Human Resources Department has set up a specific talent identification and retention program called Rise Up. It aims to identify a number of talents across the Group, covering various functions, technical or leadership skills, and geographical areas. The aim is to build up a talent pool that will be one of the key success factors in helping the Group to achieve its development objectives. With the support of local HR managers, country managers and managers, the first phase of the programme consisted of identifying a number of high value-added employees, then assessing their performance and their potential for development and career advancement. After identifying these persons, an individualised development plan was put in place for each one of them. The plan was implemented at local and Group level and included both group and individual components, as well as mentoring. A community was also created to foster team spirit and strenghtening ties with the company. This process is designed to ensure that high potential individuals are identified, supported through a rewarding development pathway, to realise their full professional potential and bring their expertise to the Group. The retention of employees who join the Rise Up programme is measured by a specific indicator, monitored by the Group Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, which cannot be published for confidentiality reasons.


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022


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