Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Empower Sustainable Finance

Euronext’s five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

In Portugal, focus points included HR subjects around salary and benefits especially Bonus and pension funds; business projects, the strategic plan for CSDs; the nomination of a new CEO and new structure of Euronext Securities Porto and the rebranding of Euronext Securities Porto. Euronext is also committed to respecting the right to collective bargaining, in accordance with local laws of the countries where its employees are located. Currently, 70% of Euronext employees are covered by collective agreements. This is split between France, Italy, Norway, Belgium, Portugal and Denmark.

In Amsterdam, Euronext introduced an Employee Benefit Budget and implemented the tool with all local benefits. Euronext also implemented a newmobility policy with the travel and working from home allowance combined with a tool, NS GO. In Norway, it was focused on the Euronext of CSD organisation & resourcing model. It also focused on moving to the Euronext compensation model and new ways of working. In Denmark, the focus was on local agreements in connection to the Collective agreement were implemented, moving to a new office location and resourcing and business model evolutions. Reporting “Our People” against the SDGs




Quantitative results

Qualitative achievements

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. As a market infrastructure, Euronext may take leadership in the area of diversity namely with the stock exchange bell ringing ceremonies in support of empowering women in the workplace, marketplace and community

In 2021, the gender equality index applicable to Euronext’s French legal entities reached 94/100 for Euronext Paris SA and 88/100 for Euronext Technologies SAS The percentage of women in the Senior Leadership Team is 34%: n Euronext hosted “Ring the bell” ceremonies in each of its countries on the 8th of March on the International Women’s Day.

Building on the success of Euronext’s Diversity Day and International Women’s Day initiatives, each Euronext country has taken the commitment to reinforce local diversity partnerships with schools and recruitment providers, as well as early mentoring programmes as part of the Group’s financial literacy initiatives



The governance of Euronext reflects the highest standards of independence, oversight, and transparency. The Company applies strict principles and guidelines to its own governance practice and to the companies that list on its markets. Euronext has a two-tier governance structure composed of a Supervisory Board and a Managing Board. The Supervisory Board’s main role is the supervision and oversight of the Company’s management. The Supervisory Board is chaired by an independent Supervisory Board member. The Managing Board is responsible for the development and implementation of the Company’s strategy as well as assuring the day to day operations. The Managing Board is chaired by the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The functions of CEO (chairing the Managing Board) and Chairman (chairing the Supervisory Board) are separated. By the end of 2021, the Supervisory Board was composed of ten non-executive directors including four female directors. Four committees report to the Supervisory Board: the Audit Committee, the Risk Committee, the Nomination and Governance Committee and the Remuneration Committee. The General Meeting held on 11 May 2021 has set the annual remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Board in accordance to their role(s), see Section 4.4 – Remuneration Report . In 2021, the Supervisory Board and its four related committees held thirty sessions through in person meetings or video conferencing.

Key Issues: n act ethically, with integrity and the highest standards in terms of good governance; n educate and engage with our local Community. Act Ethically, with Integrity and the Highest Standards in terms of good Governance Euronext’s commitment to high ethical and legal standards of conduct is core to Euronext businesses, and the Group aims to be a model for the industry by supporting the highest ethical standards in its dealings with its colleagues, employees, business partners, customers and in its communities. Euronext is committed to ensuring a balance between the needs of its employees with those of the Company guaranteeing that each and every employee can excel and develop in a safe, discrimination and harassment free environment. Good Corporate Governance The Company respects the Corporate Governance Guidelines, Recommendations and Codes set in place in the Netherlands (see Section 4.1 – Dutch Corporate Governance Code ), and aims to comply with the ones set in place in the other Euronext locations, and notably the French Afep – Medef Recommendations and the 2020 Belgian Code on Corporate Governance.



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