Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Presentation of the Group

Description of the Business

Euronext Growth is dedicated to fast-growing small and mid-caps seeking to raise funds to finance their growth. It offers lighter requirements than Euronext’s regulated markets while still providing access to a significant number of European investors focused on SMEs. Listed companies have greater flexibility in their choice of accounting standards and are subject to less extensive post-listing reporting requirements than companies listed on regulated markets. Euronext Growth lists a wide variety of securities, including domestic and international equity securities, convertible bonds and corporate bonds. Euronext Access markets are designed especially for start-ups and SMEs that wish to join a stock exchange to finance growth and gain the reputational advantages of listing but do not meet the criteria for admission to Euronext’s regulated markets and Euronext Growth. These markets are open to any company, regardless of size, performance, maturity or industry. Corporate bonds and structured products are also traded on Euronext Access. Euronext Access+ is a special compartment of Euronext Access tailored to the needs of start-ups and SMEs. Launched in 2017, Euronext Access+ helps smaller companies make a smooth transition and acclimatisation to other Euronext markets, notably in terms of investor communications and transparency. This compartment, which is part of Euronext Access, also serves as a springboard to other Euronext markets. The Global Exchange Market (“GEM”) is a multilateral trading facility based in Dublin, for listing debt securities aimed at professional investors and investment funds. GEM is the largest MTF listing venue in Europe counting almost 27,000 bonds (with approximatively 64% of total Dublin bond listings) and 1,600 investment funds classes listed. n Euronext Expert Market, based in Brussels, which enables negotiation of prices for unlisted products – such as shares, real estate certificates notes and bonds – once a week; n Atlantic Securities Market (“ASM”), an MTF in Dublin suited to US listed companies seeking to access euro pools of capital; n NOTC: the Oslo platform for the provision of quotes and to allow non-listed firms to benefit from a level of liquidity. Added-Value Services for Issuers Euronext provides a range of services to its issuers including: (i) ExpertLine ExpertLine is a team of market professionals who provide issuers with feedback on real-time events that may affect their share price. ExpertLine also acts as a first port of call for issuers listed on all Euronext markets, listing sponsors and other intermediaries, and the team develops and provides issuers with a suite of services such as the Connect web portal that Euronext updates and enriches regularly. (iii) Other Alternative Markets Euronext also offers alternative markets such as: n Trading Facility, an MTF in Belgium;

of bonds globally, with over 14,700 new bond listings in 2021 and a total of bonds exceeding 52,000 as of the end of 2021, surpassing 2020’s total of 48,000 bonds listed. Euronext lists all types of instrument, with leadership in structured products, commercial papers, government bonds and ESG debt securities. Euronext issuers are also eligible to join a family of leading index products in each of Euronext’s national markets including the AEX® in the Netherlands, BEL 20® in Belgium, CAC 40® in France, ISEQ® in Ireland, MIB® ESG in Italy, PSI® in Portugal and the OBX® in Oslo. Euronext’s family of index products provides investors and issuers with benchmarks enabling them to measure and trade the performance of key segments and strategies. The Group also offers extensive trading opportunities to investors, such as single stock derivatives on the underlying securities listed on its markets. Furthermore, Euronext advocates for its issuer community’s interests. A Market for each Step of a Company’s Growth Euronext operates different kinds of markets to suit the evolving financing needs of a company at various stages of growth. These markets enable corporate clients in different stages of their development, whether early stage growth companies or more established businesses, to access a broad range of investors and provide access to capital. (i) Regulated markets In Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris, Euronext operates European regulated markets under MiFID. These are suited to mid and large sized companies with substantial financing requirements. These main markets provide access to a large range of international investors and the possibility of inclusion in well-known European indices. Euronext lists a wide variety of securities, including domestic and international equity securities, convertible bonds, debt securities (including corporate and government bonds), structured products (including warrants and certificates and structured notes), exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), open-ended and closed-ended investment funds. Euronext is segmented according to market capitalisation: n compartment A: companies with a market capitalisation of more than €1 billion; n compartment B: companies valued between €150 million and €1 billion; n compartment C: companies with a market capitalisation of less than €150 million. Euronext Growth (Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris), the pan-European multilateral trading facility (“MTF”) dedicated to small & mid-caps, has been officially registered as an “SME Growth Market” for both shares and bonds by the competent authorities in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy and Portugal. This status, introduced under MiFID II, has been designed to facilitate access to capital markets for European SMEs by further developing qualified markets to cater to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies. (ii) Multilateral Trading Facilities: Euronext Growth, Euronext Access, Global Exchange Market (“GEM”)




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