Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Presentation of the Group 1 Description of the Business

Euronext owns 66% of Nord Pool, which operates a leading physical power market in Europe. Nord Pool operates both core intraday and day-ahead markets in the Nordics, Baltics, the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg Euronext also operates one of the leading structured products trading venues in Europe with over 110,000 instruments available for trading. Euronext’s hybrid market model, also known as the Request For Execution market model, is widely recognised as one of the most advanced market models for trading structured products and more specifically warrants & certificates. In 2020 Euronext released additional features allowing for an optimised and more efficient post-trade model as well as the possibility for investors to trade these instruments until 22:00 CET, paving the way for a truly pan-European structured products market. “United in Diversity” with an Open Federal Model Euronext is the only European exchange operating across multiple jurisdictions with a harmonised regulatory framework, a Central Order Book for its exchanges in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo, Paris and soon Milan and a single trading platform offering access to all markets through a single connection. The Central Order Book consolidates liquidity in each multi-listed security to tighten spreads and increase market depth and achieves optimal price formation. Issuers listing on more than one of the Group’s markets benefit from enhanced visibility, qualification for inclusion in more local indices and greater exposure for their volumes and prices. The migration of Italian cash and derivatives markets is currently planned for mid-2023, subject to regulatory approval. The Group has generated sustainable and diversified cash flows across institutional, high frequency and algorithmic trading, own account, agency brokerage and retail client classes. The single liquidity pool model and pan-European technology are key to Euronext’s unique federal market structure. This structure enables the Company to integrate its constituent markets while they remain subject to regulation by national regulators. As a reminder, Euronext is also regulated by a College of Regulators at Group level (see Section 1.4.2 – European Regulation ). Listing − Products and Services The Group’s issuer base is diverse, comprising nearly 2,000 companies from within its home markets as well as elsewhere in Europe, and across the globe, spanning ten industry classification benchmark sectors. Euronext’s corporate issuers differ in size and represent a combined market capitalisation of €6.9 trillion. Euronext’s listing franchise includes around 441 large cap companies (companies with a market capitalisation above €1 billion) and 1,514 small & mid capitalisation companies as of 31 December 2021. At the end of December 2021 Euronext’s listed issuers accounted for 58% of Euro STOXX 50 component securities, and 32% of Euro STOXX 600 component securities. In addition, since the acquisition of the Irish Stock Exchange in March 2018 (operating as Euronext Dublin), Euronext is the number one venue of choice for the listing 1.3.3 LISTING

Some of the third-party exchanges using UTP or former Euronext solutions have already migrated to Optiq®. Other exchanges and market operators have also shown interest in this best-of-breed solution. Offering of a Wide Range of Product Services and Platforms Euronext ’s issuer base is diverse, compr ising nearly 2,000 companies fromwithin its homemarkets as well as elsewhere in Europe and internationally. It spans ten industry classification benchmark sectors. Euronext’s corporate issuers differ in size and represent a combined market capitalisation of €6.9 trillion as of the end of December 2021. The Company is the second-largest exchange traded funds (“ETF”) market in continental Europe by number of ETF trades, with 3,484 listed ETFs and an average daily trading value of more than €600 million from January to December 2021 (including off – Electronic Order Book transactions). Euronext is the second-largest warrants and certificates market in Europe for leverage products, with over 110,000 instruments at 31 December 2021, and in total nearly 400,000 products were listed in 2021. Close to 13 million trades took place on those instruments in the twelve months ended 31 December 2021. Euronext is also a leading European derivatives trading venue, with derivatives trading activities across financial and commodity derivative products. The Group has established the CAC 40® futures contract as the second most traded national index in Europe, with an equivalent of €5.9 billion in nominal value on an average daily basis. The milling wheat contracts which are the leading wheat derivatives in continental Europe, as well as the rapeseed commodity contracts continue to be included in recognised commodity benchmarks such as the S&P World Commodity Index and Rogers International Commodity indices. Euronext operates an important bond market in Europe with more than 52,000 corporate, financial institutions, structured and government bonds listed on its markets and an internationally recognised derivatives platform. Euronext is also the majority owner of MTS. MTS is the leading fixed income trading platform in Europe, number one in Europe for Dealer-to-Dealer (D2D) European Government bonds trading, number one in Italian repo trading and number three in Europe for Dealer-to-Client (D2C) European Government bonds trading. As part of its mission to finance the real economy, Euronext has proposed to the European Commission the use of the MTS platform for the secondary market, and transparent negotiation, of bonds issued within the NextGenerationEU recovery programme. Euronext FX is an Electronic Communication Network (“ECN”) for foreign exchange, precious metals and NDF trading (this last through its subsidiary Euronext Markets Singapore). Powered by FastMatch® technology, Euronext FX offers customers access to large pools of diversified and bespoke liquidity, transparency, flexibility in trading protocols and unique order types. Its award- winning technology provides unparalleled speed and the capacity to handle thousands of orders simultaneously for Euronext FX clients, which include financial institutions, banks, asset managers, hedge funds, proprietary trading firms and retail brokers.



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