Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Corporate Governance

Remuneration Report of the Remuneration Committee


REMUNERATION OF MANAGING BOARD MEMBERS FOR 2021 AND PREVIOUS YEARS Pension Schemes and Fringe Benefits Due to the nature and structure of the Company, the members of the Managing Board are eligible for local benefits and pension arrangements. Pension consists of various state pension and additional local supplementary pension schemes in place depending on market practice in the countries where Euronext operates. Local members of the Managing Board have access to local supplementary pension schemes when available, in line with conditions offered to other employees locally. With respect to pension arrangements, the Supervisory Board will regularly benchmark against the pension arrangements of comparable companies, in comparable markets, to ensure conformity with market practice. Although it is common practice in comparable companies, the Group Chief Executive Officer does not benefit from any pension nor retirement arrangement of any sort funded by Euronext and more generally the members of the Managing Board do not benefit from any specific pension benefits compared to all other Euronext employees. Please see in the below table details on individual pension local schemes in place.

Five-year Remuneration Overview The remuneration for 2021 and previous years, is presented in the table below. The actual remuneration expensed for the members of the Managing Board, for the year 2021 amounted to €10,904,560. This amount includes a pro rata compensation related to Anthony Attia and Delphine d’Amarzit. The total remuneration consists of (i) an aggregate Annual Fixed Salary, (ii) the aggregate Short Term Incentive compensation based on the achievements against objective measurable criterion and (iii) the aggregate Long Term Incentive compensation recognised in accordance with IFRS 2 and (iv) an amount to be contributed to post-employment benefits. The table also presents the fixed to variable remuneration ratio. The pay-for-performance philosophy and long-term value creation is, amongst others, realised by the pay mix, with more than two- thirds of the Group Chief Executive Officer total package in variable pay. A significant part of the pay package is conditional upon the achievement of long term performance targets, with long term variable pay representing almost half of the pay package. Such balance is considered to support the Company’s strategy and the long term sustainable interests of the Company and all its stakeholders including its shareholders.


Type of supplementary pension scheme Stéphane Boujnah


Delphine d’Amarzit


Georges Lauchard


Chris Topple

All employee Defined Contribution scheme

Daryl Byrne

All employee Defined Contribution scheme

Isabel Ucha

All employee Defined Contribution scheme

Vincent van Dessel

All employee Defined Contribution scheme

Øivind Amundsen

All employee Defined Contribution scheme/ age related contribution All employee Defined Contribution scheme/ age related contribution

Simone Huis in ‘t Veld

See details of the pension contribution amount per members of the Managing Board in Section 4.4.4 - Remuneration of Managing board members for 2021 and previous years for post-employment benefits.



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