Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Corporate Governance 4 Report of the Supervisory Board

In 2010, nine Nomination and Governance Committee Meetings were held.



Absence ratio

Dick Sluimers

9 out of 9 meetings 2 out of 2 meetings 9 out of 9 meetings 4 out of 4 meetings 9 out of 9 meetings 9 out of 9 meetings

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Diana Chan

Manuel Ferreira da Silva

Lieve Mostrey (retired 11 May 2021)

Padraic O’Connor Nathalie Rachou

In 2021, four Remuneration Committee Meetings were held.



Absence ratio

Nathalie Rachou

4 out of 4 meetings 2 out of 2 meetings 4 out of 4 meetings 2 out of 2 meetings 4 out of 4 meetings 4out of 4 meetings

0% 0% 0%

Diana Chan

Manuel Ferreira da Silva

Lieve Mostrey (retired 11 May 2021)

0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Padraic O’Connor

Dick Sluimers

Most Supervisory Board meetings were also attended by all or by most members of the Managing Board. In addition, several managers were invited to discuss specific items included on the Supervisory Board’s agenda.

4.3.3 SUPERVISORY BOARD ACTIVITIES The Supervisory Board was informed and consulted by the Managing Board in almost all of its meetings on the course of business and the main risks attached to it, Euronext’s financial and operational performance and matters related to the Euronext’s governance and strategy. Large parts of the meetings of the Supervisory Board that were held on 19 March 2021, and 12 October 2021 were dedicated to Euronext’s strategy. During the meetings held in 2021, the Supervisory Board approved among others the quarterly and semi-annual financial statements, the semi-annual report, the universal registration document for 2020, the budget for 2022, and the agendas of the General Meetings, including the nomination for appointments to the Supervisory Board and the Managing Board, the nomination of the external auditor, and a proposal regarding the dividend. All meetings of the Supervisory Board were prepared by the Chairman of the Managing Board in close co-operation with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. BOARD EVALUATION The annual evaluation of the Supervisory Board and its Committees relating to 2021 took place in February 2022. This evaluation was conducted through questionnaires, the results of which were compiled by the Corporate Secretary. The report on the outcome of the questionnaires was discussed initially by the Nomination and Governance Committee and subsequently by the Supervisory Board as a whole. 4.3.4

The topics included in the questionnaires covered, among other items, the performance of and interaction with the Managing Board, the quality of Supervisory Board meetings, Chairmanship, communication, availability of information, decision making process, risk and crisis management, succession and development planning, shareholder value, the composition and profile of the Supervisory Board, the Committee structure and the competencies and expertise of its members. After discussing the outcomes of the questionnaires, the Supervisory Board concluded that the Supervisory Board; its Chair and its Committees and the Managing Board had properly discharged their responsibilities during 2021. During the Supervisory Board evaluation, the Supervisory Board further concluded that the relation and interaction with the Managing Board, including the flow of information, was good. The Supervisory Board and its Committees agreed that during 2022 attention will be given to items such as purpose and culture, cyber security, data and ESG. The annual evaluation of the Extended Managing Board relating to 2021 took place in January 2022. This evaluation was conducted through questionnaires, the results of which were compiled by the Corporate Secretary. The report on the outcome of the questionnaires was discussed by the Extended Managing Board itself and subsequently by the Supervisory Board. The topics included in the questionnaires covered, among other items, the performance of the Managing Board and the Extended Managing Board and its individual members, the interaction with the Supervisory Board, the quality of the meetings, communication, availability of information, decision making process, risk and crisis management, succession and development planning, shareholder value, the composition of the Managing Board and the competencies and expertise of its members.



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