Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Empower Sustainable Finance 3 Euronext’s five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

Data Subject Access Rights (DSAR) Moreover, Euronext also tracks the number of requests to exercise the Data Subject Access Rights (“DSAR”) including complaints that it has received and the response time to react. 2021 Number Response time DSAR (deletion/unsubscription request) 45 Less than 10 days DSAR (unsubscription request – specific survey organized in 2021) 273 Less than 5 days DSAR complaint 1 N/A Educate and engage with our local Community Euronext supports community activities that have a direct, positive and measurable impact and that are aligned to our corporate values. Through training, volunteering, charitable activities and thought leadership, Euronext employees contribute in two main areas that are relevant to our business: n Financial Literacy: capital markets topics including the roles of exchanges and basic principles for investments; n the Blue Economy: supporting sustainable oceans, seas and marine resources. Euronext is the first exchange that signed the UN Global Compact Sustainable Oceans’ principles. Financial Literacy and Blue Economy As a financial infrastructure provider, Euronext is at the centre of financial markets and communities. Gathering together a broad range of stakeholders, Euronext is committed to improving the broader understanding of how Euronext and other financial institutions, work together and have beneficial impact on the world around them, enabling sustainable global economic growth and increased welfare.

All Euronext countries are adjacent to the ocean and have rich fishing, shipping and seafaring traditions and Euronext is a leading listing venue for companies that operate in the ocean industries and other businesses related to the Blue Economy There is increasing evidence that losses in the ocean’s natural capital resulting from unsustainable economic activity is eroding the resource base on which growth depends. Given its global reach and local presence, Euronext’s goal is to take on a leadership position in the Blue Economy in order to mitigate this development, address the threats to the oceans and contribute to enhanced ocean and coastal resilience. In 2020, community initiatives in Euronext’s different locations focused on activities to support the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development as set out in the Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Life Below Water”. Euronext’s employees contribute to volunteering initiatives in all its European locations. As of 2021, Euronext’s community initiatives focus on two key areas where Euronext can contribute and have particular impact: Financial Literacy and the Blue Economy (oceans, seas and marine resources).

Financial literacy initiatives Amsterdam

200 students attended multiple workshops, seminars, and lectures hosted at various universities Workshop at Beleggersfair 2021, which had over 100 professionals in attendance

Employees contributed to several financial education events and webinars, including courses at the University or to secondary school students, as well as several slots on financial radio channel LN24 to present various topics linked to financial markets


Several employees participated to the Women in ETFs seminar


Euronext Lisbon joined the Global Bell for Financial Literacy, organised by the United Nations on the importance of education and protection of (private) and worked together with the Portuguese regulator, CMVM, and the Portuguese Pensions and Funds Association on the organisation of two fire-side chats about CyberSecurity and psychology of Investment

Lisbon & Porto

Oslo Børs welcomed Marival UB, the winners of the Blue Challenge, to whom to various stock market businesses were presented


Blue challenge In 2021, Euronext entered into a new partnership with Junior Achievement in Europe to inspire students about sustainable finance whilst helping them develop core job skills such as teamwork, problem solving, presentation, and entrepreneurial skills. By partnering with JA Europe, Euronext intends to emphasise how the financial sector can contribute to the promotion of financial literacy and the blue economy, which encourages better stewardship of our ocean or ‘blue’ resources, among students aged 16 to 19.

Taking the form of a competition that involves a series of activities including two webinars, one on financial literacy and one on blue economy, the challenge culminates in a final competition at European level on the United Nations World Oceans Day. The objective was to inspire students about sustainable finance whilst helping them develop core job skills such as teamwork, problem solving, presentation, and entrepreneurial skills.



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