Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a sustainable exchange 3

Euronext’s Five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

Career Framework In 2018, Euronext teams deployed the Career framework within the Information Technology department. Twelve (12) Career Framework roles have been identified to represent the main roles within the Information Technology family. The Career Framework provides a clear map of the professional roles available within Euronext. Other role families are progressively deployed in 2019 and 2020. Transition Assistance Programs To support the organisational and culture change for the integration of Dublin and Oslo entities as part of Euronext, specific change programmes have been designed for the Irish Stock Exchange, VPS and Oslo Børs. The “Empowering” programs aim to establish a sustainable organisation, engage employees around new strategy

and mindsets, and equip them with specific skills adjusted to the new business context with business knowledge training sessions, local strategy workshops, modular training plans and feedback monitoring. Encourage Health and Safety at Work Euronext proposes to its employees several initiatives through its Wellnext program to maintain and improve health and wellbeing at work. Each location is monitoring absenteeism rate on a monthly basis. Euronext ensures the safety of its employees at work and in their working environment by ensuring regular review and updates of safety procedures developed in each location, and coupled with regular testing.

Each Euronext location proposes adapted initiatives based on local needs. Below is a list of main local initiatives:








Free organic fruit; Flu vaccination; Chair massage; Employee assistance programme available on need; Eye tests; Ergonomic assessments;

Free organic fruit; Daily sport classes and fitness room; Employee assistance programme available on need; Health and safety attributions within the newly elected “economic and social Committee”; Training on safety at work for new joiners & also retraining course every 2 years;

Free fruit; Campaign of talks/ seminars on physical, mental and financial health;

Health Assessment check every 3 years; Dedicated days on health and wellness at work topics with conferences, Workshop; Chair massage; Inhouse Zumba classes; Training for managers on how to manage stress signals in their teams; Regular workplace check;

Free fruit; Weekly inhouse Yoga classes; Fitness room; Onsite naprapathy; Health service for employees; Psychological assistance;

Free fruit B2 Run (annual runner event); Gym agreements; Pharmacy agreements; Training on safety at work; Chair massage; Health work; Annual workplace check; 2 days dedicated to health and wellness at work topics with conferences & workshops Family day; Flu vaccination.

Free fruit; Discounted local gymmembership; Sporting events as part of CSR initiatives.

Employee Assistance

Programme; Onsite Health Assessments; Onsite eye test; Ergonomic assessments; Training and retraining for 1 st aiders; Family event.

Flu Vaccination; Eye test and free data glasses.

Training and retraining for 1 st aiders.

Mandatory health assessment every 5 years at health services; Flu Vaccination.

Fitness room; Gaming room;

Football tournament; Annual running event. Promoting Diversity Euronext is a multinational financial markets company born from the coming together of market exchange activities in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and Lisbon. Euronext is now present in 16 European countries and in US and Asia. The federal governance model is central to its organisation, and naturally creates an environment where people of diverse cultures and backgrounds collaborate and drive the organisation forward. Its long-standing commitment to diversity is entrenched in its corporate values, particularly that of “Unity” which encompasses three main elements: n we respect and value the people we work with;

n we are unified through a common purpose; n we embrace diversity and strive for inclusion.

In February 2018, a new Euronext Diversity Policy was adopted by the Euronext Managing Board, available on Euronext’s website (1) . This policy was an opportunity for Euronext to set its position on Diversity and reaffirm its commitment to ensuring an inclusive environment for all forms of diversity. Diversity at Euronext includes gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, language, socioeconomic status, physical ability, experience and education.




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