Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a sustainable exchange 3

Euronext’s Five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

and maintenance of the building is being developed. Euronext aims to send as little waste as possible to the incinerators. The Company separates waste at the source and works with secondary parties who specialise in sorting and recycling waste. In addition, in some buildings, Euronext uses free air (natural air) for its air-conditioning systems when the outside temperature drops below 12 °C. Thanks to the Group’s building management system, technical installations are automatically switched off during the night and at week-ends. High efficiency boilers provide buildings with the necessary heating during the winter season, and where possible thermal insulation is placed in the form of wall and roof insulation and double-glazed windows. Paris Euronext decided it would relocate its Paris office to new premises in the La Défense business center in 2015 for a nine-year lease. The new office Praetorium benefits from the following certifications: HEQ (High environmental quality), BREEAM (sustainable building design and construction) and VHEP (very high energetic performance). More specifically, Praetorium benefits from presence detectors to monitor external blinds, lighting and air conditioning, depending on the climate; it has triple glazed windows to optimise insulation and enable maximum natural heating, and possesses sensors to analyse air quality to ensure employees have access to a clean environment. Finally, the bee hives on the roof (with 70 kg of honey produced in 2019 compared to 80 kg in 2018 and 95 kg in 2017. This weak harvest is explained by the strong heat wave of summer 2019) and the newly created aromatic herbs’ square contribute to a more sustainable environment. In 2019, Euronext continues measures to improve electricity – with more economical lighting – and water consumptions – with equipment limiting water consumption. Amsterdam A project to gradually replace a significant part of the existing TL light with LED within the Amsterdam building has been started in 2017 and has continued in 2018. Also, the emergency power supply has been replaced by a more advanced and economical version. This new so called “UPS system” is more energy-efficient than its predecessor. Moreover, coffee cups have been replaced by a more environmentally friendly ones which stimulates reuse of the cups and a new concept with official “cradle to cradle” certificate has been installed for the sanitary dispensers (including the fillings). The technical staff is continuously monitoring the building management system in order to optimize the energy consumption. The Amsterdam building is also occupied by 31 tenants whereby the utility costs are shared between the parties in the building. In 2019, a connection has been made between the two separate main cooling water systems. This connection results in a higher reliability factor of the systems and a huge energy saving at the same time. These installations are used for all datacom rooms and most of the cooling systems in the Amsterdam building. A major roof renovation is under project: Renewal of the transparent Lexan roof panels above the monumental Trading Floor roof, these Lexan panels have a higher insulation value and it works in both ways (in winter it keeps the heat in and the cold outside, in summer it is just the other way around).

Euronext is committed to continue taking environmental impacts into account when conducting its business.







Buildings IT equipments Data centers Travels



The Euronext’s carbon footprint is equivalent to 22.1 ktCO2eq that may be split as following: n scope 1 = 250 tCO2eq representing 1% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. direct emission from buildings and other assets; n scope 2 = 1,750 tCO2eq representing 8% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. electricity consumption; n scope 3 = 20,100 tCO2eq representing 91% of the Euronext global carbon footprint Purchases, travels, commuting… Group’s primary GHG arise from energy, waste and water in its offices and data centers, from staff travel, and indirectly but mostly from its supply chain (Scope 3). Euronext has a direct grip only on Scope 1 and 2, which represent only 9% of the complete GHG emissions. For scope 3, it needs to initiate a dialogue with its entire value chain (upstream and downstream) to act on the bulk of these emissions.

Scope 1 1%

Scope 2 8%

Scope 3 (upstream) 91%

Buildings In most of its buildings across the seven locations, the Group rolls out water-saving initiatives such as motion sensors on taps and water saving toilet flushes. Motion detector lighting saves the necessary energy in meeting rooms, storages and sanitary rooms. In 2016, all regular lamps were being replaced by LED and other energy saving lamps. The use of organic products for the cleaning



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