Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Corporate Governance 4 Management Structure

Isabel Ucha CEO of Euronext Lisbon, CEO of Interbolsa

Previous experiences: Advisor for Economic Affairs to the prime Minister Biography: Isabel Ucha is CEO of Euronext Lisbon and CEO of Interbolsa, the Custody and Settlement service provider (CSD) for the Portuguese market. Having joined the Portuguese Stock Exchange in 2008, her previous professional experience includes several senior roles, including serving as Advisor for Economic Affairs to the prime Minister, Head of Issuing and Markets at the Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency (IGCP), and at the Portuguese securities market regulator (CMVM). Ms Ucha has also been an assistant lecturer at Universidade Católica, teaching different economic and financial programs (Economics, Corporate Finance, Economics of Finance, Economics of Regulation, European Economics, Portuguese Economy, Corporate Governance). Ms Ucha holds a degree in Economics from Universidade Católica and a Masters in Economics from Universidade Nova, as well as a Masters in Finance from London Business School. Other current mandates: n None

Age: 54 Nationality: Portuguese First appointment: 2019 Location: Lisbon/Porto

Vincent Van Dessel CEO of Euronext Brussels Previous experiences: CEO of Euronext Brussels Biography:

Vincent Van Dessel has been the CEO of Euronext Brussels since 2009. From 2003 to 2009, Mr Van Dessel was General Manager of Euronext Brussels. From 2000 to 2003, he was Chairman of the Market Authority of the Brussels Exchanges, responsible for members’ admission, listing, company information and the supervision of the markets. Upon the merger of the Amsterdam, Paris and Brussels exchanges into Euronext in 2000, he became member of the Executive Committee of Euronext N.V. Group. He joined the Brussels Stock Exchange in 1992 as Director Markets and Listing and later became member of the Managing Board of the Brussels Exchanges. Mr Van Dessel started his career as a stockbroker in 1984. Mr Van Dessel is a Director of Enternext S.A. He has an MSc in Applied Economics from KU Leuven university and is also a regular guest lecturer at several universities, including the Paris Sorbonne. He has also been a member of the Euribor Steering Committee. Other current mandates: n Director of Enternext S.A. n Member of the Euribor Steering Committee

Age: 61 Nationality: Belgian First appointment: 2014 Location: Brussels

Senior Management

Rotterdam/Geneva, including responsibility for ESG and Insurance, and Deputy GC of COFCO International. Before her role at Nidera/ COFCO, Ms Andriessenwas General Counsel and part of the Executive Management Committee at the Odigeo Group based in Barcelona, and General Counsel at the Provimi Group based in Rotterdam. Before that during a period of 17 years she held various Legal and General Counsel positions at Unilever in Rotterdam and London, with special focus on Mergers and Acquisitions, Restructuring and Corporate Governance.

Sylvia Andriessen Sylvia Andriessen is the General Counsel of the Company. She has more than 25 years of experience in various international legal functions both in listed, private equity and privately owned companies. On 1 September 2018 Ms Andriessen joined the Euronext group as Deputy General Counsel, and became General Counsel as per 20 December 2019. Prior to joining Euronext she was the Chief Legal Officer of the commodity trading group Nidera, based in



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