Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement
Attractivity and employability
Description ofmain issuescreating risks and opportunities
RISK ASSESSMENT METHODS Studyof the number ofavailable positions • Analysis ofsystems for assessing performance, • training andthe sharingof valuecreation
Non-identification of needsin terms of skills • and talents Inability to retainandattract talents • Poorly adapted or insufficient recruitment • and training policies
Have thenecessarytalents for growth
RISK MANAGEMENT Pre-acquisition labor due diligences: analysis ofvacantpositions and loyalty building schemes • Annual monitoring of specific indicators • Encouragement for companiesto share valuecreationor companyprofits withemployees •
The set-up ofa recruitmentand integration policy leading to training and career • developmentschemes isessentialto building employee loyalty
Ensurethatemployeeskillscontributeto thecompany’s performanceoverthelongterm
EXAMPLE INITIATIVE In 2019, Iberchem was recognized by the University ofMurciaandthe COIE(Spanish Center for Employment Guidance and Information) • for welcoming trainees into its laboratories each year,givingthemthe option to supplement their academic training. This experience allowed some of them to acquire a full-time job. Internal promotion is an integral part of the Group’s HR policy, offering employeescareeradvancement opportunitieswithin the company.
Policy appliedat Eurazeo level Each employee's individual development is essential to collective success. Eurazeo employees are associated with the Company’s development and their participation in professional training is encouraged. Eurazeo ensures that its employees receive fair compensation and share in value creation and that paid holidays complywith the law. Since 2017, the HR Department has chosen to organize a cycle with four major phases: organizational reviews; • annual individualemployee performance reviews; • wage reviews; • semi-annualreviews. • The compensationpolicy for membersof the EurazeoExecutiveBoard is consistent with the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations (see Section 5.8). The fixed and variable compensationof all employeesis reviewed annually, and analyzed in relation to a review of compensation in the markets where Eurazeo operates. Employees are also eligible for collective compensation in the form of incentive bonuses. Eurazeo firmly believes in allowing employees to benefit from growth in the company’s earnings, and encourages the sharing of value creation, notably by granting free shares and/or stock options. 2020 CSR strategy criteria are also taken into account for the calculation of the variable compensation of all Eurazeo Executive Board members and was extended to the Executive Committee in 2019. The criteria are listed in Section
With regard to training, Eurazeo seeks to offer its employees the chance to unlock their potential and meet their requirements and expectations in terms of development. It is with this in mind that the Eurazeo 2019-2021 global training programwas developed, taking into account business issues, the need to develop behavioral and managerial skillsand individual training requirements. Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes appeal and talent retention aspects during acquisition due diligences as described in Section Following an acquisition, the relevant action plans are monitored over several years, as describedin Section This issue is also an integral part of Eurazeo's CSR strategy with the objectiveof ensuing that 100% of companies share value creation or companyprofits with theiremployees.
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