Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement

Health and safety

Description ofmain issuescreating risks and opportunities



RISK ASSESSMENT METHODS Studyof the health& safetypolicy • Monitoring andanalysis ofindicatorsrelating • to healthand safety( e.g. : absenteeism,accidents) Monitoring ofemployeeparticipationrates • for dedicatedtraining Expenditure for protection/safety equipment •

Work station exposure to at-risk activities • Insufficient training and awareness-raising • for exposed employees Poor riskassessment and lack ofadapted individual • or group protective equipment

Ensure thatallemployees benefitfromworkingconditions thatminimizerisksto their healthandsafety

RISK MANAGEMENT Acquisition due diligences: analysis ofworking conditions • Annual monitoring of absenteeism andaccident-related indicators • Trainingandawareness-raising • Supply ofadapted equipment • Encouragement for companiesto improvethe protection andwell-being ofemployees •



Securing health insurance cover for all employees worldwide isa key factor • for differentiation and employeeretention An effectiveHealth &Safetypolicycan reduceabsenteeism and the number • of accidents

Ensurethatemployeesarecoveredbyhealth anddeathanddisabilityinsurance

Promotewell-beingto improveperformance

EXAMPLE INITIATIVES The 2RH groupconducteda studyon workstationergonomicsin collaboration with the occupationalhealthdepartment in order to preventMSD • (musculo-skeletal disorders). In the same vein, the group’s Portuguese ubsidiaryprovidedemployeeswithweekly ergotherapy sessions. In 2019, GrapeHospitality launcheda campaign called “Grape Stop Tabac” which aims to improve employeehealthandwell-being bygetting • them to stopsmoking. This employee-focused campaign includes a poster campaign,informationandnegotiations with the Group mutualfund to payfor hypnotherapy.

Policy appliedat Eurazeo level Eurazeo has resolved to ensure the health, safety and well-beingof its employees by respecting the laws in force and preventing health and occupational risk by training personnel. All employees must integrate the health and safety component in their conduct by respecting the guidelines and notifyingany risk identified. The nature of Eurazeo’s business limits the risk of serious accidents occurring in the workplace.Occupationalhealth-safetyrisk is assessed annually in the single risk assessment document in which no “high” level riskshave beenidentified. Eurazeo ensures that each employee has access to work areas with the possibility of obtaining equipment adapted to individual needs. Its offices are ergonomic and there are several relaxation areas. In addition, regular physical activity and sport are encouraged. Eurazeo provides its employees with a gym, with classes taught by qualified fitnessinstructors. In 2018, Eurazeo conducted a study of psychosocial risks at its Paris premises. An analysis was carried out using a self-assessment tool developed from the work of reference bodies such as the INRS

(French National Research and Safety Institute). The impact of psychosocial risks on the Company and employees was judged to be low. Two componentswere assessed as having a moderate risk level: intensity and working time. These issues are regularly covered in awareness-raising sessions. Members of the Social and Economic Committee were trained in occupational psychosocial risks. They are able to identifywarningsigns in the event of chronic stress or burn-out suffered by an employee and escalate them to Management which can quickly adopt the appropriatemeasures. Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes health and safety aspects during acquisition due diligences as described in Section Following an acquisition, action plans are monitoredover several years, as described in Section Eurazeo’s objective is to ensure that 100% of its portfolio companies improve the protection and well-being of employees, via social insurance for 100% of employees or via a reduction in the number of days ofabsence.



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