Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement

Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo Women represent 46% of Eurazeo’s total workforce and 27% of investment teams ( vs . 29% and 14% respectively in the Private Equity industry • according to theBVCA/LEVEL20 2018 study on 179 PrivateEquity companiesin Europe). The ExecutiveBoard is made upof 25%women, and the ExecutiveCommittee is 20% women. • Eurazeo’sscore in theGender EqualityIndex (Pénicaud-Schiappa Index)was 92/100for 2019. • The engagementsurvey conductedin June 2019highlightedthe lack of significantdisparitybetweenthe responsesgiven by women and men. • The studyshowedthat the overallengagement score was8.3/10 formen and 8.0/10for women. In 2018, Eurazeo achieved 7 th place in the ranking of governancefeminization in large companies (SBF 120), up 14 places comparedwith 2017 • and 82 places comparedwith 2013. Eurazeo andits portfolio companies 2019

Eurazeoand itsportfolio companies


Diversity (permanent staff) Percentage ofwomen

46% 44% 47% 25%

52% 45% 32% 27%

Percentage ofwomenamongmanagersin the permanentworkforce

Percentage ofwomenon the SBor BD


Percentage ofwomenon the primarydecision-making body (2)

Thecoverageratefor Eurazeoandfor Eurazeoand its investmentswas100%in 2019. SupervisoryBoard(SB)or Boardof Directors(BD) (1) Companiesmayhaveseveralkindsof decision-makingbodies,thenamesof whichmayvarydependingon thecompany.At Eurazeo,theprimary (2) decision-makingbodyis theExecutiveBoard,composedof fourmembers.


2019 Eurazeoandits portfoliocompanies

Share ofcompanieshavingimplemented actions to encourage the employment and integration ofdisabledemployees


Thecoverageratefor Eurazeoandfor Eurazeoand its investmentswas100%in 2019.




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