Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Strategy
Establishexemplarygovernance Ambition: ensure that all companies have exemplary governance bodies Results: substantialprogress,70% of companieshave achievedat least two objectivesin 2019 Convinced that high-quality governance is an essential factor for performance and business sustainability, Eurazeo has established highly ambitious objectives regarding diversity and independence criteria and the implementation of specialized Board committees, well exceeding regulatoryrequirementsor industry recommendations. The number of companies with 40% women in supervisory boards remains insufficient, even if it has increased five-fold. The number of companies with 30% independent members has increased by 50% and 90% of companies have audit and compensation committees, comparedto 57% in2014. In termsof governance,Eurazeoaims to set apositive example. Created in 2008, the Eurazeo CSR Department is managed by Sophie Flak, Director of CSR and Digital. The four-member team reports to NicolasHuet, General Secretaryand memberof the Eurazeo Executive Board.
Eurazeo’sSupervisoryBoard has also had a CSR Committeesince 2014 . Its purpose is to assist the Supervisory Board in monitoring CSR-related issues The CSR Committee considers these issues in coordinationwith the Executive Board and reports regularly to the Supervisory Board on the exercise of its duties and issues recommendations on Eurazeo CSR policy and actions. As of December 31, 2019, it had four members, including two independent members,and was chairedby Mrs. Anne Lalou (see Chapter 5, Section 5.6, SpecializedCommittees). Finally, CSR criteria are also part of the factors taken into account when calculating the variable compensation of all members of the Eurazeo Executive Board since 2017 and Executive Committee since 2019. These objectives are assessed for each member, taking into account the results of the investment divisions for division heads and consolidatedresults for other members.The calculationcomparespro forma results for the current year with prior year results. Variable compensation is attained when the investment division or consolidated resultsimproveacross at least one-thirdof indicators.
2019 ( Proforma )
2020objectives 100%of companiestohaveat least40%womenDirectorsontheBoard
(1) (2)
100%of controlledcompaniestohave at least30%independentDirectorsontheBoard (1) 100%of companiestohaveanAuditCommittee anda CompensationCommittee (3)
Methodologicaldetails:seeSection3.4,Methodology. Detailedresults:seeSection3.3. OnSupervisoryBoards(SB)or Boardsof Directors(BD).Independencewithinthemeaningof theAFEP-MEDEFrecommendations. (1) In the2019scope:Womenaccountfor 30%or moreof directorsin 13 companies,between10%and29% in 13 companiesand lessthan10% in just (2) one company. CommitteesthatassisttheSB or BD in thedecision-makingprocess. (3)
For companies in which Idinvest is a shareholder, the average rate of independentdirectors in Boards is 21%, and the average rate of women is 14%; 10%of companieshave morethan 40%women on their Board.
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