Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Strategy
CSR Strategy 3.1
Preamble: scope → The investmentsreviewed in respect of Eurazeo's CSR strategy in 2019 are as follows (those with an asterisk are part of the Non-Financial Performance Statement scope): 2RH*, Albingia, Groupe C2S*, CIFA*, CPK*, Dessange International*, EFESO Consulting*, Eurazeo*, Eurazeo PME*, Europcar Mobility Group, Grandir, Grape Hospitality*, Iberchem*, Idinvest Partners*, In’Tech Medical*, MK Direct*, Nest Fragrances*, Orolia*, Péters Surgical*, Planet*, Reden Solar, Redspher*, Seqens*, Smile, Sommet Education*, Trader Interactive, Vitaprotech* and WorldStrides *. The list of investments reviewed in respect of 2018 and 2019 in assessing the results of Eurazeo’s CSR strategy on a pro forma basis is as follows: CIFA, CPK Dessange International,Eurazeo, Eurazeo PME, Europcar Mobility Group, Grandir, Grape Hospitality, Iberchem, In’Tech Medical, MK Direct, Nest
Fragrances, Orolia, Péters Surgical, Planet, Reden Solar, Redspher, Seqens, Smile, Sommet Education, Trader Interactive and WorldStrides . The Eurazeo CSR strategy is a framework common to all its investment branches. Due to its recent acquisition by Eurazeo, Idinvest'sinvestmentdivisionsare not yet consolidatedin the 2019 CSR strategy results. However, Eurazeo and Idinvest Partners share the same vision of responsible investment and consider CSR throughout the investment cycle. The 2019 indicators relating to the Idinvest Partners portfolio are calculated based on 136 portfolio companies which responded to the annual questionnaire on the reportingdate.
Introduction:a high-impact and internationallyrecognized CSR approach As an active and responsible shareholder, Eurazeo is the first French investment group to have incorporated sustainable development into its business througha proactive CSRstrategy since2008.
Eurazeo’s2014-2019CSR strategy As a committed company, Eurazeo formulated a four-part CSR strategy in2014, withquantitativetargets for late 2019. Being transparent, Eurazeo publishes its results annually after having them audited by one of its statutory auditors, as independent third party. 2019 is a key stage, with the 5-yearresponsibilityreview. The impactsof Eurazeo CSR programsare substantial: overone million metric tons of CO 2 reduced ( i.e. the equivalentof the annual emissions of 116,000 Europeans), 471,000 hours of absences reduced (i.e . the equivalent of 243 full-time employees) and €243 million of expenses reduced. They prove that it is possible to combine economic, social and environmental performance. They also demonstrate the key role that an investment company can play in combating climate change and the emergenceof a sociallyfairer society.
CorporateSocialResponsibility(CSR) is a value creationopportunityfor Eurazeoand its portfoliocompanies.Throughoutthe investmentcycle, CSR fully contributes to their transformationand sustainable growth. Eurazeo’s ambition: to combine economic development, social progress, reduced environmental impacts, balanced governance and value creation. In order to achieve this objective,Eurazeo provides the expertise, time and means needed for each of theportfolio companies. Eurazeo currently remains the only listed investment company whose performance is recognized by leading rating agencies and international non-financial initiatives.
Establish exemplary governance
Be a vector of change in society
Create sustainable value
Invest responsibly
Ensure that all companies have exemplary governance bodies.
Ensure that all companies improve their societal footprint.
Integrate CSR at all stages of the investment cycle.
Ensure that all companies have a CSR progress plan.
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