Econocom - 2019 Universal registration document

02 group overview roup positioning

Our cloud architects assist our customers in creating a secure, reliable and efficient cloud environment and transferring their workloads to them, while guaranteeing operational excellence. Our managed services cover the management of IS from business applications, security, IT data to infrastructure. Econocom operates the infrastructures of its customers wherever they are hosted: with the customer or on the major public cloud platforms, Microsoft Azure, Amazon or Google. For the same reasons of productivity and quality, our customers’ production infrastructure managed services are delivered mainly from our own service centres located in France and Morocco. Maintaining the data centre infrastructures is crucial to ensure the continuity of our customers’ business. Econocom is ranked by Teknowlogy/PAC as the leading independent player (not including manufacturers in captive markets) on the French data centre maintenance market for the fourth consecutive year. The Group offers its own IAAS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and PAAS (Platform-as-a-Service) from highly available and secure cloud infrastructures based in France (delivered by ASP-Serveur, Alter Way and Econocom) in Spain (by Nexica) and in Benelux (by Econocom). Its Satellite Asystel, in Italy, offers a complete platform of digital services, with wide expertise in the areas of consulting, infrastructure and cloud outsourcing, security and applications architecture.

Services to users are being transformed with the hyper-automation of the work environment (PCs are now behaving like smartphones) and the emergence of user support boosted by artificial intelligence. For reasons of productivity and quality, the service desk is delivered from our own service centres located in France and Morocco. Services around the cloud and ژ infrastructures To meet the growing needs of customers, employees and partners of its ecosystem, the Information Systems Department (ISD) must provide IT services available 24/7, which are ever more efficient, flexible and secure and at the lowest cost. Econocom transforms, implements and optimises the IT services of its customers by complying with the new market trends, particularly hyper-automation and the cloud distributed. The four major services that position the Group as one of the leaders in the management of cloud and traditional environments are: consulting; • transformation; •

managed services; • and maintenance. •

Our cloud advisers assist customers in adopting the cloud, providing insights into the business, technical, financial, operational effects as well as the effects in terms of organisation and security of adopting the cloud.


2019 annual report

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