Derichebourg // 2020-2021 Universal Registration Document


Financial and accounting information Comments on the fiscal year

Revenue from other Multiservices businesses was down overall, but their contribution to recurring Ebitda was up: Solutions for Industry: The services provided to customers in the aeronautics industry were down by 17%. Activity fell sharply from March 2020 (factories were shut down and production rates lowered due to the drop in air traffic). Activity fell sharply from April 2020 to around 50% of what it was before, and this level was maintained until the spring of 2021, when the level of activity gradually resumed due to the effect of an increase in aircraft assembly rates. The Derichebourg Aeronautics Services France subsidiary was able to weather this difficult period, and retain the qualifications of its employees, thanks to the collective performance agreement, implemented in July 2020, combined with the long-term furlough measures put in place by the government. Thanks to the resumption of activity that began in the second half of the year, recurring Ebitda improved from €3.2 million to €5.8 million. HR Sourcing Solutions: Overall, revenue from HR Sourcing Solutions was down by 11.3% over the fiscal year. The increase in revenue in the General Temporary Work segment (up 11%) in the second half of the year did not offset the decline in revenue in the Specialist Aeronautic Temporary Work segment (down 41%).

Recurring Ebitda for HR Sourcing Solutions was €2.7 million, up by 107% compared to last year. This improvement is due to the increase in the margin on direct costs in General Temporary Staffing, and by lower overhead costs in Temporary Aeronautics Staffing. A merger between the two temporary employment companies was recorded on October 1, 2021. Urban Area Solutions: revenue increased by 6%. The decline in billboard activities in an unfavorable environment was partially offset by an increase in public lighting activities. Overall, it is the increase in revenue and the improvement in the profitability of Cleaning activities that is leading the trend in Multiservices. Recurring operating profit (loss) Depreciation and amortization on fixed assets was down by €0.6 million and stood at €25.3 million. Recurring operating profit (loss) stood at €26.1 million, up €8 million ( i.e. 44.1%) compared to last year.

Holding companies 5.1.5

2021 12 months

2020 12 months

Change %


In millions of euros





Recurring Ebitda




in % of revenue



Recurring operating profit (loss)




in % of revenue



Liability guarantee risk


End of litigation on social security contributions for Derichebourg Propreté


Costs linked to the preparation of the Ecore acquisition



(0.2) (8.4)


Operating profit (loss)



The improvement in the Holding segment’s contribution to recurring Ebitda is mainly due to a capital gain of €3 million on unoccupied land.

Derichebourg SA The main role of Derichebourg SA – the Group’s parent company – is to act as a holding company for the Group’s parent-holding companies (Derichebourg Environnement and Derichebourg Multiservices Holding). It also holds shares in Derichebourg Immobilier, the direct or indirect owner of the Group’s real estate, and in Derichebourg Ré, a

captive reinsurance subsidiary, created during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. In addition, it acts as the Group’s central corporate treasury and holds the syndicated loan agreements, the Green Bond and most of the medium-term loans. Derichebourg SA is also the parent company of

the French tax consolidation Group.

DERICHEBOURG 2020/2021 Universal Registration Document 130

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