Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


The leisure parks attract customers from the surrounding area, as well as visitors from far away thanks to the accommodation offering. The period of operation varies according to the sites. Certain indoor sites operate all year round, while outdoor sites whose traditional opening periods are Spring and Summer are increasingly operated during Halloween and Christmas.

Major investment projects to accelerate the development of parks Reinforced in 2021, Compagnie des Alpes’ now owns an 80% stake in the capital of Futuroscope . With a new lease signed for a period of 30 years, the Group has committed to an investment plan of €200 million over a period of 10 years to increase the capacity and attractiveness of the park. An additional plan of €100 million over 10 years will ensure that its partners invest in a hotel, ecolodges and a water park that will be operated by Compagnie des Alpes. Aiming to capitalise on the success of the hotel strategy of Parc Astérix , the Grand Astérix project consists initially of extending the accommodation capacity to 565 rooms by 2025 (compared to 450 in 2021) while studying various projects to potentially reach 860 rooms by 2026. The increase in capacity and Bellewaerde aim to transform this local park into a reference park with an investment plan of around €100 million over the next 10 years. the enhancement of the qualitative positioning of

the seasonal adjustment of its activity by reinforcing events at Halloween and Christmas. In some of its sites, it also aims to capitalise on the existence of second gate parks to extend the length of the visit. STAKEHOLDERS The stakeholders mainly consist of the region’s tourism professionals, the license holders, the state or local authorities, and the local population. In France, the Group’s companies play an active role in the SNELAC inter-professional chamber. POSITION IN THE VALUE CHAIN The activities target the general public, with whom Group companies have direct or intermediated contact. Some of the tickets are sold by intermediaries – works councils or tourism professionals – thereby diversifying the customer base.

ACTIVITIES The Group operates indoor sites as well as outdoor parks within closed perimeters. They include sites with a variety of offerings and activities: attractions, shows, green areas, aquatic areas, restaurants, boutiques, and hotels. These activities are entirely managed by Group companies, either under its own brand names or under license. The Group’s revenue mainly stems from sales of admission tickets (around 60%), while the rest stems from park activities (food services, shops, accommodation, other services, etc.). INVESTMENTS The development of the park sites and their facilities increases their attractiveness and their capacity. Compagnie des Alpes is developing its hotel offering for sites whose catchment area can be extended (Parc Astérix, Futuroscope, Walibi Holland) and whose offer is adapted to short-stay visits. The Group is also looking to continue


Offering unique, immersive and year-round experiences 1

Boosting internal sales 2

Improving customer knowledge 3

Enhancing human capital 4

Accelerating the development of the parks 5

Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document 9

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