Compagnie des Alpes // 2021 Universal Registration Document


4.3 Environmental challenges The main objective of the Group’s subsidiaries is to develop and manage exceptional activity areas in order to offer memorable leisure experiences. As such, the Group considers the environment to be an intangible asset, particularly in the Ski areas, which are located in areas of outstanding natural beauty. Energy, water and biodiversity are therefore three key environmental challenges for their business. A summary of the main environmental indicators is shown in section 4.3.6. 4.3.1 ORGANISATION AND APPROACH AT GROUP SITES The Group is gradually rolling out roadmaps that aim to plan more eco-friendly leisure activities for a low-carbon world, maintain their economic and social impact on the local economy and play their part in the maintenance of vital shared assets. The Group has a low-carbon trajectory towards zero carbon

NB: (see 4.5.1 Reporting scope). The Group’s environmental information is collected according to 22 collection points based on three profiles: Leisure parks (nine offering outdoor activities), Ski areas (eight) and tertiary sites (three offices, one workshop and two museums offering indoor activities). It is presented in three areas: Leisure parks (11 entities including nine offering outdoor activities, one workshop and two museums), Ski areas (eight entities), and Holdings and supports (three offices).

This initiative, whose actions are made public, brings together some of the Group’s actions and objectives on biodiversity, waste and sustainable water management. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic has had a number of impacts on our activities: firstly, the administrative closure of our ski area sites throughout the ski season and of our leisure parks over the winter and spring period resulting in a drastic reduction in the operating period, and secondly a decrease in the number of visitors when our sites have been authorised to open as a result of the increased health restrictions implemented. This exceptional performance has therefore resulted in significant variations in the quantitative indicators presented in the SNFP. In addition, the impacts are not necessarily linear with the decrease in footfall, skier-days or days when our sites are open during the year. For example, the Leisure parks offer leisure activities that have varied little according to actual attendance. Thus, the indicators that show ratios per visitor are changing unfavourably. In our Ski areas, certain activities, such as artificial snow-making and the preparation of slopes, take place from November while other activities ( e.g. grooming, ski lifts) take place throughout the season. Electricity consumption for snow production is therefore less affected by the administrative closures that were announced at the end of 2020 than the consumption of non-road diesel used for grooming or by the electricity consumption of ski lifts. As the number of skier-days is not significant this year (down by more than 99% compared to previous years), the indicators based on the skier-day will be presented as non-significant. However, the indicators for previous years are always presented in order to give the most accurate representation of the activity. Depending on the chapters, the SNFP will give some explanations of the significant variations. In any event, it would be wrong to conclude that the significant downward or upward variations in the indicators presented are the result of actions fully managed by the Company during this financial year.

In previous years, the Group worked on a climate roadmap built on a solid foundation of past achievements, which it decided to consolidate and expand under a single objective common to all its business segments. This roadmap, which presents both identified actions and medium-term objectives, was validated by governance and also presented to investors during the capital increase carried out in June 2021. The Group’s low-carbon trajectory is thus targeting net zero carbon by 2030 in its scope of direct influence (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by halving its direct GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) compared to the reference year 2017/2018. Moreover, GHG reductions will continue beyond 2030 on the basis of actions already identified or new actions to continue well beyond 2030. By setting an ambitious target in 2030, the Group is creating a vast internal dynamic on this subject of alignment with the trajectory of the Paris Agreements. The Group is also committed to nature more generally.

In December 2019, the Group committed to the Entreprises engagées pour la Nature (companies committed to nature) initiative. This national initiative, under the aegis of the French Ministry for the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, brings together companies that want

to get involved and contribute to the preservation of ecosystems. Not only is it a matter of implementing 10 principles set out in a common charter, but also of defining and committing to additional actions specific to our business segments to reduce our pressure on biodiversity. The Group’s action plan includes seven impactful actions, and was approved on 27 May 2021.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2021 Universal registration document

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