Compagnie des Alpes // 2020 Universal Registration Document


Parc Astérix (1)

Futuroscope (2)




Number of direct jobs



Job multipliers supported in France (1 direct support job x additional jobs in France)

X 3.1

X 3.2

Value creation (GDP) in France (direct and indirect) Percentage of purchases irrigating the French economy Percentage of purchases irrigating the region’s economy





Hauts de France and Ile-de-France 61%

Nouvelle Aquitaine 41%

(1) 2019 survey. (2) 2016 survey.

Impact of our catalyst effect on the tourist offering In addition, our sites are true centres of tourist attraction, generating almost 17 million visits to the regions over the fiscal year (over 23 million in 2018/2019). Their business activities therefore benefit shops, transport, accommodation, cafés and restaurants and, more broadly, other socioeconomic players in the tourism ecosystem. For example, for every euro a skier spends on the ski lifts, they spend another seven at the resort (2012 Contours study). On this basis, we can estimate that around €2.6 billion of France’s GDP comes from expenditure by the skiers and their fellow travellers at our six Tarentaise resorts. This equates to €2.1 billion of GDP generated in AURA and €1.4 billion in Savoie, due to the catalytic effect of our activity. Finally, because of the quality of the facilities and services they offer, our resorts broaden the general appeal of France as a tourist destination: 45% of the catalytic effect is generated by skiers from outside France. Investing in the appeal of the sites and other socioeconomic players Investing Each year, Compagnie des Alpes invests vast sums in the appeal of their resorts and leisure parks. This massive investment in our tools and equipment helps to maintain and grow the dynamic of the tourist ecosystems in which we operate. You will find more information about our investment dynamic in several chapters of this Universal Registration Document. Getting involved Leisure parks are contributing to the success of regional tourism through their involvement in regional structures, notably tourism boards. By enhancing their capacity and appeal, the leisure parks are becoming bona fide regional and national tourist destinations. For example, Futuroscope is running initiatives with the Vienne tourist board and other tourism players in the department to promote the Pays du Futuroscope brand. The Ski areas also participate in studies covering the resort (studies of attractiveness, positioning, accommodation or satisfaction regarding the customer experience), tools (such as the implementation of CRM tools, data sharing, the design thinking approach, the creation of digital platforms such as Plagne Resort) and the promotion of resorts (participation in the financing of Tourist Offices and memberships of Atout France or France Montagne, co-financing of accommodation

listing, etc.). The overall aim is to improve the appeal of the whole area. In return, this generates economic benefits for the entire region and local stakeholders. Below are a few examples of CDA’s actions which mark it out as the best partner of the regions: l each year, CDA conducts a large-scale study with around 52,000 customers (in 2019), benefiting all players in the region, either globally or on the specificities of a resort. The results will then be shared with local representatives and Tourism players (TO, socio-pros) so they can work together on improvements; l ADS supports the growth of the resort’s players by incorporating their deals into the “Pass Essential and Premium” benefits programme and by taking charge of the necessary technical developments. Most of our partners recorded an increase in their visitor numbers thanks to the roll-out broad promotional mechanism. l each year GMDS circulates the results of its environmental observations to a large number of local stakeholders and the environmental authorities to promote the wealth of the region and ensure it is protected. It also suggests ways it can be improved and raises collective awareness. Moreover, the Group companies contribute to the building and maintenance of resort access roads, primarily through their funding of the Tarentaise road system and RN 90, and also support municipal infrastructures by financing the local and regional shuttles and accommodation. The real estate-accommodation policy at the resorts The Group plays a leading role on issues beyond the simple management of ski lifts. This had led it to turn its attention to accommodation. Foncière Rénovation Montagne The aim of Foncière Rénovation Montagne is to invest in local real estate with a view to acquiring ageing properties to renovate. By renewing the appeal of these properties, it helps to combat the “cold beds” problem in mountain regions. The “cold beds” phenomenon relates to accommodation that is rarely occupied by its owner and rarely offered for rent or, when it does come on the rental market, nobody wants to rent it: in other words, empty apartments. The resulting imbalance is harmful to the economy of the resorts and the poorly-maintained accommodation can sometimes reduce the appeal of an entire area. Thus, these “cold beds” block constructed but non- productive real estate at a time when real estate resources are in short supply, particularly in the mountains.


Compagnie des Alpes I 2020 Universal registration document

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