BPCE - 2018 Registration document


Sustainable development built on our cooperative identity

OUR BUSINESS MODEL The strength of our model derives from:

human resources, involving the recruitment and management of ● our teams and our ability to attract, develop and retain talent, the relationships we maintain with our customers and cooperative shareholders and more generally with all our stakeholders; financial resources: ● the Group’s own funds, consisting of retained earnings and - inflows from the cooperative shares issued by the Banque Populaire banks and the Caisses d’Epargne, deposits and savings inflows, - market funding, - for our subsidiary Natixis, own funds arising from the share - capital provided by shareholders. The Group’s policy of maintaining a high level of capital adequacy and the quality of its fundamentals – reflected in its top-tier financial ratings – allow it to develop its business activities on favorable terms.

our cooperative, decentralized structure, with 29 regional banks ● serving their cooperative shareholders and customers at a local level; well-known brands (Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne, Crédit ● Coopératif, CASDEN, Banque Palatine, Natixis) making Groupe BPCE the second largest banking group in France, with leading positions on its main markets in France and international ambitions in certain Asset Management and Corporate & Investment Banking activities; our full-service banking model, with a diversified business portfolio ● led by retail banking in France that has proved resilient and capable of gaining market share while maintaining a moderate risk appetite. Groupe BPCE draws on different resources to conduct its businesses:


Registration document 2018

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