BIC - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Our social responsibility to our teammembers [NFPS]



learning from others (20%): developing a feedback culture, ● every team member has opportunities to receive and offer further feedback, either to build on a strong point or to strengthen a developmental point; learning from training (10%): by increasing access to the BIC ● University programs, as well as locally developed training programs. The Talent Development team makes this model available to all teams. It is for example used to structure BIC tools like the Taleo system and the People Acceleration Plan, etc. BIC Group’s competencies framework specifies the Core Competencies that all team members around the world must cultivate to ensure BIC’s success: “Displays Strategic Agility”, “Drives for Results”, “Champions MPD” (Method, Precision, Discipline), “Engages Others”, “Acts with Courage” and “Develops Self and Others”. These Core Competencies are embedded in all BIC University training programs and are included in the pre-employment testing process. Learning from new professional experiences ("70) New Performance ReviewModel rollout Operational performance and improvement are two pillars of Group’s success. The process for evaluating each team member’s performance is essential for enabling the Group to achieve its development goals. 2019 was the first full year of implementation for the new BIC performance review model. The results show: good roll-out of the culture of recognizing team members for ● outstanding performance; better balanced evaluations; ● more constructive and beneficial discussions between ● managers and their teammembers. In 2019, 191 managers and human resource team members were asked to evaluate the new performance review model. It was rated very highly, with 89% of the respondents expressing their satisfaction. Also, in 2019, the Executive Development Program was once again a success, offering the designated high-potential exposure to the Executive Committee and Extended Leadership Team members who provided a structured approach in their developing leadership skills. Mobility and succession plans The “Open Positions Review” sessions facilitated by the Group Talent Development Team are designed to facilitate the mobility process. During these meetings, open positions are discussed along with role requirements and potential matches suggested in an effort to offer team members the best options for their own development and for the business. Open positions are shared globally in an effort to make optimal use of the available talents. In addition to the Open Positions Review discussions, BIC conducts a formal detailed review of high potential team members and potential succession to key positions. Actions taken to promote teammember development  [NFPS] Numerous actions were undertaken to encourage the use of the 70/20/10 model. Some examples are given below.


Challenges, risks and opportunities

related to teammember development  [NFPS]

In 2019, with the launch of the “Invent the Future” transformation plan, 140 managers from across the Group worked to identify the types of behavior needed for the plan to succeed: A clear vision of transformation: crafting and developing a 1. vivid and compelling vision of the future and describing how to get there. Consumer-centricity: instilling the conviction that the 2. consumer and end user must be the focal point of all business discussions and actions. Innovation: BIC University is currently partnering with the 3. business in identifying best practices to develop training with a focus on innovation and change management which will transform the way people learn, manage change and solve complex problems. Business and people performance: achieving high 4. performance through systematic performance management, skill building and flexible career paths based on performance and potential. [NFPS risk 9] In addition, among its primary CSR risks, BIC identifies risks related to experienced team members and their skills: BIC relies on the specific skills of its experienced team members, in particular in industrial operations and the execution of professional functions. The loss of experienced team members could slow the deployment of the Group’s development plans and prevent the Group from implementing its strategy. principle  [NFPS] The priority for 2020 is not only the dissemination of skills and sharing of core values, but also team member development in these aspects of behavioral change. To that end, the Group will continue to apply the 70/20/10 principle and to promote team member development based on the BIC University training programs. Regardless of function, level of responsibility, and type and length of contract, all BIC team members will be given opportunities to increase their external and internal employability. That is the employability commitment of BIC to its teammembers. To achieve its commitment to team member development, BIC aims at being a learning environment for its team members based on the 70/20/10 model, which boosts development by combining three dimensions: learning from new professional experiences (70%): BIC ● offers opportunities for team members to work in multi-functional teams or individual stretch assignments; Policy: the 70/20/10 development



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