BIC - 2018 Registration document


The BIC Sustainable Development Program and its five flagship commitments: Writing the Future, Together [NFPS]



Approach ❯ In addition to responding to its customers’ specific questionnaires on its CSR approach, BIC discusses all pertinent topics with them, including sustainable development issues, as part of its commercial relations. In certain cases these relations can take the form of partnerships. All the professional functions involved (marketing, communication, sales) are equipped with the tools they need to explain BIC’s Sustainable Development Program. BIC Group’s eco-design approach (see page 75) and stringent product safety standards (see page 82) give its products an advantage for meeting current societal trends. Challenges ❯ BIC Group considers lobbying to be a positive action, making good use of its industrial expertise and knowledge of the market in its relationships with the public authorities. For the Group, lobbying is quite simply the communication, targeted towards decision-makers and important players on key issues, of the lessons learned from its experience to help establish the necessary balances. Its purpose is to help improve the effectiveness of the authorities’ regulatory actions, to improve the safety of the products available on the market, thus improving consumer safety and ensuring fair competition. In this way, BIC seeks to be recognized and consulted as a stakeholder in all decisions and actions that affect its operations. BIC Group pursues its lobbying activities in a responsible, ethical way to ensure that the legal and regulatory decisions, as well as the actions undertaken to enforce the rules, have realistic and effective technical and economic consequences, maintaining or restoring fair and honest relations among all the market players. Although BIC has no tradition of making public statements on major industrial or societal topics, the Group does address the public when this type of action seems necessary. It also participates in sector dialogue and seeks to exert its influence in four key areas that are directly related to its commitments as a responsible corporation: product safety, the fight against counterfeiting, the fight against unfair competition and environmental protection. BIC carries out its lobbying primarily as a member of various organizations, participating as needed in their working groups and the conception of their positions: French, European and American professional federations; ● standardization committees for toys, lighters and writing ● instruments; French watchdog groups and intra-sector associations. ● Approach ❯ Participation in sector dialogue Responsible lobbying and participation in sector working groups

STAKEHOLDERS The BIC Panel Challenges and approach ❯

To have an outside point of view on its entire sustainable development approach, BIC has organized a panel of four stakeholders since 2005, including two customers, one investor analyst and one supplier. Each year, individual interviews were held to enable members of the panel to comment on the Company’s strategy and practices, suggest improvements that could contribute to the action plans, express expectations for the future and formulate opinions on the Group’s Sustainable Development Program. BIC Group wants to seize the opportunity offered by the new commitment program “Writing the Future, Together” to reassess the way it interacts with stakeholders. The next step could be to form a panel of stakeholders with recognized expertise in key issues for the BIC Group, in particular the major issues concerning the risks identified during the updating of the mapping (laws on the duty of vigilance and Non-Financial Performance Statement). Evaluation by clients of the CSR approach and the products’ environmental and social performance Challenges ❯ BIC Group distinguishes its “customers” (i.e. companies, public administrations and office supply distributors, as well as major mass-market retailers) from its “consumers,” the end users of its products (whose expectations are discussed in section 3.2.2.). Customers are becoming increasingly demanding in terms of the environmental and social performance of the products they buy, as well as the evaluation of their suppliers’ sustainable development policies. They submit many questionnaires addressing increasingly specific and diversified topics. Their questions concern environmental management policies, systems for collecting and recycling waste, environmental advantages and product labeling, compliance with product quality and safety regulations, the local origin of products, respect for human rights, etc. Retailers and wholesalers also want their collaborators in the distribution chain to show how they are helping to reduce the global environmental and social impact of their operations. BIC Group participates in Walmart’s Sustainability Index (for shavers and writing instruments), which assesses suppliers’ sustainability performance according to indicators established by the Sustainability Consortium. BIC also carries out specific reporting for Walmart every year through the CDP Supply Chain.



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