BIC - 2018 Registration document


The BIC Sustainable Development Program and its five flagship commitments: Writing the Future, Together [NFPS]

Our operational structure Managing sustainable development is based on a continuous improvement approach that is deployed across the entire BIC Group since 2013. For the definition of the “Writing the Future, Together” program, “Champions” were designated for each topic in order to coordinate the tasks of defining the commitments. A dedicated organization has been introduced to enable the implementation of the roadmaps and achievement of the 2025 goals. Relying on the “Champions” as well as the active involvement of the Leadership Team and the three category Directors, this new organization reflects the “integrated” approach that BIC seeks to adopt in order to fulfill its commitments.


NOMINATIONS, GOVERNANCE AND CSR COMMITTEE • To review the report on social, societal and environmental responsibility, the actions taken by the Group and its policy • To review the progress made against the strategy and commitments taken

LEADERSHIP TEAM Defines strategies for the Sustainable Development Program



COUNTRIES • Apply the Sustainable Development Program locally: - to meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders

FUNCTIONS • Integrate sustainable development in certain projects • Contribute to the reporting of extra-financial data

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT • Develops proposals and action plans • Leads and coordinates the Sustainable Development Program • Develops communication targeting the SRI community and other targets • Carries out surveys and exploratory projects • Handles sustainable development watch and corporate relations • Supervises the consolidation of extra-financial data



- taking local cultures and regulations into account • Contribute to the reporting of extra-financial data

Contribution to the program

Contribution to the program

Leadership and Coordination



• Propose and supervise the action plans

Our Policies BIC Group’s sustainable development approach is based on a set of documents that defines its vision and gives a framework to each employee’s everyday activities, ensuring compliance with the principles of sustainable development. The five BIC Values: Ethics, Responsibility, Teamwork, Simplicity, Ingenuity. Since 2007, the BIC Code of Ethics has defined the fundamental ethical principles that the Group asks all employees to follow under all circumstances and everywhere in the world (see also page 111). The Group’s Anti-Corruption Policy , defined in 2016, states that BIC Group will not tolerate bribery or corruption in any place where it operates, upholding its reputation for integrity (see page 111). The BIC Group Code of Conduct comprises a set of professional and social principles derived from the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) (see also page 110). The Product Safety Policy , introduced in 2001, specifies the 10 commitments adopted to ensure that the products developed and manufactured by BIC are safe in terms of human health and the environment. More specifically, BIC has adopted seven

commitments to ensure the quality and safety of its lighters (see also page 82). The Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Policy , defined in 2005 and signed by the CEO, codifies the Group’s commitment to minimizing the impact of its industrial activities (see also page 86). The BIC Charter of Diversity , which was signed by the CEO and the Group’s Human Resources Director in 2011, demonstrates BIC’s desire to actively promote diversity (see also page 105). The Responsible Purchasing Charter , signed in 2014, codifies the Group’s desire to establish mutually beneficial relationships with its suppliers based on its five Values (see also page 109). The Responsible Communication Charter, defined in 2013, formalizes BIC Group’s integration of the Value of Responsibility in its communication. This charter applies to all communication undertaken by the Group around the world (see also page 73). The Group’s statement on animal testing , prohibiting these tests unless specifically required by regulation (REACH) and prompting the Company to use reliable alternatives to animal testing on chemical substances made possible by the latest technological breakthroughs.



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