Assystem - 2018 Register document





Global Compact principles Sources Businesses should work

• COP 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 • Code of Conduct

against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

gas emissions report (BEGES) and cover the main scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions generated by the entities. The environmental indicators defined in Section 3.6.1 above cover 54% of Group employees in 2018 (62% in 2017). The entities concerned – AEOS, Assystem Care France and Assystem SA – are unchanged from 2017. The reduced coverage rate is due to growth in employee numbers, mainly in host countries outside France that are not included in the measurement of environmental indicators. We are currently looking into expanding the reporting scope for the main indicators to include major units in Europe and then in the Middle East. On a constant business scope basis, this would raise the coverage rate to 70% of Group employees. In other countries, we are unable to obtain sufficiently reliable data for inclusion in the greenhouse gas emissions report due to the nature of the business and the fact that our offices are spread over wide areas. Information about sustainable development commitments Among the categories for which disclosures are required by Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code, the following are considered as not relevant to the Group due to the nature of its business and have been excluded from this report:

● ISO 26000, for which the certification process is a driver of continuous improvement, particularly in international units;

● Global Reporting Initiative (GRI);

● ISO 9001 quality management standard;

● ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety management standards;

● ISO 14001 environmental management standard;

● Bilan Carbone carbon footprint report.



Insiema, MPH Global Services and MPH Global Services’ subsidiaries are not included in this report (except for the total employees indicator which includes the employees of all controlled subsidiaries) because they have a different business model. HR indicators The HR indicators in the table presented in Section 3.3 of this Registration Document are based on the Human Resources Department’s annual employee data report and have been calculated as of 31 December 2018. The HR indicators cover 76% of Group employees as defined in Section 3.6.1 above, excluding Insiema, MPH Global Services and MPH Global Services’ subsidiaries and associates. Environmental indicators The environmental indicators in the table presented in Section 3.5 of this Registration Document are based on the 2018 greenhouse

● measures to prevent food waste; ● measures to combat food insecurity; ● respect for the well-being of animals;

● responsible, fairly traded and sustainable food.




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