Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

Supporting the development of consistent regulatory frameworks In the context of the developing regulatory frameworks fostering SAF market growth, the Company supports policies that would incentivise SAF production and usage. In particular, the Company is supporting and sharing industry best practices, looking at production sharing industry best practices, looking at production levels assessment, life cycle analysis methodology and sustainability criteria and standards harmonisation. A clear, stable and consistent policy at global and local level as well as incentivisation or regulations are needed to promote long-term investments and technology development. Global. Aviation is a global industry that requires a global framework of standards and regulations, also supporting a global level playing field. - - Systematic implementation of SAF policies in all states, supporting SAF development and deployment. - - Recognising CORSIA as a reference for sustainability standards, thus helping global sourcing of SAF. The Company also takes a leading role in cross-industry initiatives with ICAO state members, ATAG, IATA, JetZero Council (UK), First Movers Coalition (a partnership launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF)). Regional. In addition, the Company is monitoring the development of SAF-related regulations at national or regional levels, their consistency with global standards and regulatory frameworks.

› › In November 2023, the ICAO Third Conference on Aviation Alternative Fuels (“ CAAF3 ”) reached agreement on an ICAO Global Framework for SAF, Low Carbon Aviation Fuel (“ LCAF ”) and other Aviation Cleaner Energies. One of the key elements of this Global Framework is the objective to reduce CO 2 emissions of international aviation by 5% by 2030 through the use of SAF and LCAF. CAAF3 also resulted in other points of convergence that the Company welcomes: - - the implementation of a policy on SAF in every state; - - CORSIA recognised for sustainability criteria; - - the development of an accounting system to report and claim reduction of CO 2 emissions; - - the exploration of a book and claim system; - - support to developing and emerging countries to get access to financing for their SAF projects; - - the qualification of new pathways by producers, manufacturers and the ASTM; - - a reporting by each state and a global monitoring by ICAO of the progress made on SAF production and use. › › ICAO and the Company have signed a Declaration of Intent at CAAF/3, with the aim of developing a project to explore the feasibility of SAF development and deployment in South America. › › The US SAF Grand Challenge aims to scale up SAF production to at least three billion gallons per year by 2030. › › The EU’s current “ReFuelEU” regulation sets a 6% SAF mandate for 2030 growing to 70% by 2050 (including 35% of synthetic e-fuels).

Strategic pathway 3 Investing in technologies to reduce product emissions

Preparing technologies for a next generation Single-Aisle aircraft to be ready in the second half of the next decade This will be enabled by the current research on disruptive technologies for airframe and engines. › › In July 2023, the Company opened a new Wing Technology Development Centre (WTDC), in Filton. The facility will be used to build and test demonstrators for a range of programmes and research projects.

Wings. The wings are often referred to as the second main lever to reduce aircraft emissions. Several technologies are being studied such as: - - The Company’s transnational research & technology programme, “wing of tomorrow”, has successfully delivered a first full-size wing prototype or “demonstrator” that will help mature next-generation wing technologies. - - Wing of tomorrow is particularly efficient thanks to the incorporation of lighter composite components and of a folding wing tip. - - The completion of the first of three fully composite wing demonstrators marks the integration of more than 100 different component and manufacturing technologies that include an all-new industrial assembly system, and which have helped validate key automation targets. As key partners in the European Clean Sky 2 and Clean Aviation programmes, the Company is also researching new technologies aimed at increasing efficiency, such as a new semi-morphing wing, new dynamic winglets, or innovative flight controls on the Company’s military C295 transport aircraft. Engines. On the engine side, the Company is closely following innovations coming from the engine manufacturers, and supporting them to adapt and integrate their latest innovation to aircraft needs.

› › The “eXtra performance wing project”, launched in September 2021, improves wing aerodynamics and performance that is intended to be compatible with any future aircraft configuration and propulsion system to reduce CO 2 emissions. In November 2023, the demonstrator flew for the first time with the exact systems needed for its flight test campaign with its new wings, in 2025. › › In 2023, Airbus Helicopters unveiled the PioneerLab, its new twin engine technology demonstrator based on the H145 platform. It complements the Company’s range of FlightLabs and focuses on testing technologies that reduce helicopter emissions, increase autonomy and integrate bio-based materials. Its other FlightLab called Disruptive Lab flew successfully for the first time in January 2023.

86 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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