Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

Risk Factors 1 Geopolitical, Global Economic and Financial Market Risks

The War in Ukraine and Armed Conflicts

COVID-19 or other Pandemic Risks While the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting health and economic crisis and actions taken in response to the spread of the pandemic, including government measures, lockdowns, travel limitations and restrictions which resulted in significant disruption to the Company’s business, operations and supply chain have in many ways receded, lingering effects continue to impact the Company’s business, operations and supply chain and its ability to deliver products and services. See also “Business and operations-related risks – Dependence on key suppliers and subcontractors” below for more information on this matter. Moreover, a localised or global resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic or the emergence of another pandemic or widespread human health issue could result in further government measures, lockdowns, travel limitations and restrictions. This could negatively impact demand for air travel and commercial air traffic, thereby impacting the financial health and viability of operators, airlines, lessors and suppliers and adversely affecting the Company’s Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and the resulting export control restrictions and international sanctions against Russia, Belarus and certain Russian entities and individuals resulted in disruption to the Company’s business, operations (including data management) and supply chain. In response to the export control restrictions and sanctions enacted by the EU, the UK, the US, Canada and other countries, the Company suspended the delivery of aircraft and support services (including spare parts, equipment and software) to sanctioned entities and countries. The Company maintained compliance with all applicable regulations and sanctions on its facilities and operations in Russia. The Representative Office in Moscow was closed in August 2023, while the Airbus Russia Local or regional wars or armed conflicts may pose risks to the Company’s operations, supply chain (relating to the production or movement of materials or goods) and access to commodities. To the extent such events result in reduced demand for air travel or negative impacts on the commercial aircraft market (closing certain routes, disrupting fuel or other critical supplies, or otherwise impinging on air traffic) they could reduce demand for the Company’s products and services.

ability to deliver products and services as well as customers’ demand for aircraft and their ability to fund and take delivery of such aircraft. See also “Business and operations-related risks – Commercial Aircraft and Helicopter Market Factors” for more information on this matter. In addition to the aforementioned effects, to the extent a resurgence of COVID-19 was to result in further lockdowns, travel limitations and restrictions, logistical challenges would result that could cause further disruptions to the Company’s business, its operations and supply chain and which could adversely affect the Company’s ability to deliver products and services as well as customers’ ability to take delivery of aircraft. There can be no assurance that the Company’s business, results of operations and financial condition will not be materially affected by pandemics or other similar events in the future. Please also refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 2: Macroeconomic Environment, Geopolitical and Financial Market Risks”. The war in Ukraine has likewise increased the Company’s exposure to supply chain disruption risk. Part of the titanium used by the Company is sourced from Russia, both directly and indirectly through the Company’s suppliers. While geopolitical risks, and associated de-risking activities, are integrated into the Company’s titanium sourcing policies, the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (including the resulting sanctions), may continue to affect the Company’s ability to source certain materials and components, particularly in view of the lead time needed to develop alternative sources. For more details, see “Business and operations-related risks – Dependence on key suppliers and subcontractors” and “Business and operations related risks – Industrial system adaptation”. The Company’s business, results of operations and financial condition may continue to be affected by the direct and indirect impacts of the war in Ukraine and response measures thereto. affiliate (Airbus RUS) and the Space Division’s two joint ventures in Russia (Energia Satellite Technologies and Synertech) are in process of being closed. For additional information on this matter, please refer to “Legal, regulatory and governance risks – Export controls laws and regulations” below.

Airbus Annual Report


Universal Registration Document 2023

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