Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


The Company rolling 12 months employee lost time injury frequency rate



2.36 2.43 2.32 2.28 2.23

2.21 2.21 2.18 2.22 2.18 2.23 2.21
















Graph 1. Company-wide Lost TimeInjury Frequency Rate (FR1).

The principal performance indicator used by the Company, including its Divisions is the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (FR1). The FR1 calculation produces a figure for the number of injuries per one million (1,000,000) worked hours. The scope of the Company FR1 covers: – – all sites in France, Germany, UK and Spain for the Company’s commercial aircraft activity, Airbus Helicopters, Airbus Defence and Space, Airbus Atlantic and Airbus Aerostructures; – –the Company’s commercial aircraft Final Assembly Lines – – the consolidated data from the Airbus Helicopters sites in USA, Romania, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Poland and China; – – the consolidated data from the Airbus Atlantic sites in Canada, Morocco, Portugal and Tunisia. The Company’s commercial aircraft business FR1 perimeter covers: – – all commercial aircraft sites in France, Germany, Spain and UK; – – the commercial aircraft Final Assembly Lines (FAL’s) in Mobile, US and in Tianjin, China. To enable accurate monitoring, appropriate investigations are conducted of all environment, health and safety related incidents. The Company captures root causes and other pertinent information in a management platform called FISH (Federated Information for Environment, Safety and Health). Local management teams and safety committees determine and track mitigation actions. The Company Incident Review Panel monitors data quality and adherence to the definitions found in the Company method for incident management. Top level oversight is provided by the Company Occupational Health and Safety Governance Board. Currently the Company estimates that about 80% of its workforce is covered by the FISH management footprint, which includes active workforce employees, apprentices and temporary employees, while the FR1 scope reaches close to 86% when adding complementary information sources. (FAL’s) in Mobile, US and in Tianjin, China; – – Airbus Defence and Space site in Poland;

The 2023 annual frequency rate was 2.21 Company-wide, and 2.31 for the Company’s commercial aircraft perimeter, versus 2.23 and 2.25 respectively for 2022. On this basis the Company decreased its overall FR1 by 0.90%, whilst the commercial aircraft perimeter FR1 increased its FR1 by 2.67% 2023, vs. a target of -15%. The frequency rates are widely communicated. They are referred to in the CEO’s monthly reviews, and are subsequently cascaded through the Company by other leaders’ reviews. Frequency rate performance is also periodically shared with relevant committees and work councils. Safety performance in 2023 was not as expected, degrading very slightly over the course of the year. A higher number of slip, trip and fall accidents, closely followed by accidents in which people struck against an object, contributed to this deterioration. While this can partly be explained by the increase of production rates together with a higher number of new employees, the Company’s management does not consider this increase in accidents acceptable and believe it underlines the importance of leadership, safety culture and high standards of risk identification and mitigation. A severity rate indicator was defined in 2022, which is limited to the scope of FISH (see above). This indicator measures impact of incidents by obtaining the number of injury-related lost days per 1,000 worked hours, which can provide an alternative mapping of risk areas. Lost days are recorded against the month in which they occurred, thereby spreading the impact of severe injuries across the months that are affected. In 2023, the severity rate amounted to 0.122 (compared to 0.117 in 2022). The data scope for severity rate is those lost time injuries reported in FISH. Some 37,836 near misses were recorded in FISH in the Company’s commercial aircraft business perimeter in 2023. The Company actively encourages the reporting of near misses in order to better identify root causes and the mitigation actions to support accident prevention.

109 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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