Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

– – strengthening collective muscular reinforcement practices and physiotherapist coaching for high risk tasks; – –evaluating wearable technologies to help monitor musculoskeletal stress, providing data for analysis and risk control. Reinforcing Governance also led to important activities in 2023, including for instance, a new monthly performance report and a Health, Safety and Environment Summit to facilitate communication and collaboration in the Asia Pacific region. Regulatory update briefings were provided for leaders, including dedicated sessions in France and the UK. Airbus Defence and Space sites in the home countries were recertified to ISO 45001 and a new certification was gained by Airborne Solutions. During 2023, the Company also laid the foundations of a corporate health and safety compliance assurance capability. Sitting at arm’s length from the operational health and safety functions, the corporate compliance assurance team provides independent assurance and reinforces the second line of defence, thereby fostering continual improvement. The team aims to support operational teams, as the first line of defence, and complement the work carried out by corporate audit, as the third line of defence. Additionally, the team supports the Company affiliates governance by evaluating self-assessments and conducting fit checks of key health and safety management system elements. These fit-checks are part of the Company’s “Internal Controls Self Assessment” (ICSA) framework, or similar in the Divisions, which is part of the ERM process. In 2023, the work of the corporate health and safety compliance assurance team focused on: – – developing its internal control framework and defining three “key controls” to monitor; – – conducting two internal health and safety audits; – – preparing a three-year internal audit programme; – – conducting four health and safety “fit-checks” of affiliates; – – planning five “fit-checks” to be conducted 2024. The management of specific risks, awareness raising and the continued growth of safety culture i n the various business areas included activities such as: – –a “Team Talk” and “Safety in a Box” resources to enable managers’ health and safety discussions with employees were created by the People Safety at Work (PS@W) team; – – cross-fertilisation with experts from other locations joining site health and safety tours (PS@W “Go-Look at Site”); – –recovery action reviews held in areas that had safety performance concerns; – –workstation safety orientation boards were deployed in the Asia Pacific region; – – cyclist safety initiatives such as a “Dark Season” campaign, and videos on visibility and “Fork-Lift Trucks vs. Cyclists”. In addition, initiatives called PS@W, “We Care” and “Safe Together” continue to support behavioural change for accident reduction in commercial aircraft activity sites, Airbus Defence and Space, and Airbus Helicopters respectively. Work has started

on the transition of PS@W into a run-mode activity within the Operational Environment, Health and Safety Function. Learning and competencies. In order to reinforce health and safety competences at all leadership levels, a new occupational health and safety management competence requirement has been created, namely, “Ensure a safe and healthy environment – the ability to understand and meet their health and safety responsibilities, whilst driving a safety mindset and risk aware culture within the scope of their role”. This competence requirement is consistent with the leadership EHS training programme. Building on the existing two modules, this programme has been completed with two new modules, deployed in 2023. These new modules focus on EHS management systems, culture building and innovation. This programme includes both theoretical elements and their concrete application in the workplace. Attendees who successfully complete this programme are awarded an externally validated certificate in health and safety management competence. New courses have also been deployed for risk assessment, and occupational health and safety induction. The latter addresses responsibilities and induction contents for new employees and others on Company sites. Courses in development include a refresher module for those who have previously completed the Leadership EHS modules 1 and 2. The Executive EHS Masterclass continues to be delivered as necessary. Health and safety was part of the Company’s mandatory learning curriculum in 2023, and several courses are included in the list for 2024. The Company is enhancing its reporting by including the number of industrial safety training hours, as shown in the associated Health & Safety Metrics table. Industrial safety training is that which is related to the safe operation of industrial means such as fork lift trucks and elevating platforms. During the period from October 2022 to September 2023, a total of 304,420 hours of safety specific training was delivered to 112,652 employees. If 55,266 hours of industrial safety training is included, the total increases to 359,686 hours. Health and Safety Performance Performance is monitored using normalised indicators derived from data sets that are produced by applying harmonised definitions. This data equivalency enables the Company to compare performance over time, and between business units. These harmonised definitions exclude some categories of accidents that are reported to the local authorities in some jurisdictions but not in others. Psychological concerns may be treated as “injury” in some countries and so they, and commuting accidents, are legally reportable in some states but not in others, consequently they are excluded from the Company Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate. These Company specific indicators are shown in the “Health & Safety Metrics 2023” table, below, together with the 2022 like-for-like figures.

108 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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