Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

V. Outlook Priorities for 2022 include continuing the Company’s focus on gender parity. Upcoming actions on I&D include: – – eliminating systemic barriers during talent recruitment, development and management; – – agreeing on targets for external recruitment of women, external recruitment from non-EU countries and external recruitment of people with disabilities; – – extending leadership development programmes to include a focus on I&D and in particular on gender diversity; – – increasing awareness and training on inclusive leadership and unconscious bias; – – leveraging and reinforcing business ownership and accountability through the Company’s network of diversity champions; – – continued support to encourage STEM studies for young women in schools and universities through mentorship, tutorship, directly or through the associations sponsored by the Company. In 2021 again, the Company has continued its numerous discussions, consultations and negotiations with its social partners, sometimes on a daily basis in order to discuss company transformation projects aiming at adapting to the evolving situation partly resulting from the health and economic crisis. These various transformations were carried out in line with the common principles and standards of the ILO convention, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the principles laid down by the UN Global Compact. Employee relations are underpinned by the Company commitments made in the Company’s Code of Conduct and the Airbus International Framework Agreement, signed in 2005. c. Labour Relations I. Introduction

The Company is also accelerating change through its employee- led “Balance for Business” network, which has around 10,000 volunteer members worldwide. Initiatives run through this network include roadshows promoting employee-led initiatives such as peer-to-peer mentoring, confidence building and encouraging employees to challenge stereotypes and build their careers. The network also supports some outreach initiatives. Other employee-led networks such as the Women Innovative Network (“WiN”), the Airbus Africa Network, Spectrum (Racial diversity and inclusion), Pride@Airbus (LGBTQ+), Generation-A (Millennials), Seniors Talent and (Dis)Ability ambassadors networks are key to raising awareness of I&D, promoting inclusion, equal rights and increasing visibility. Initiatives include mentoring, leadership development of under-represented groups as well as conferences and discussions open to all employees. The annual Ability Weeks campaign aims to raise awareness on disability across the Company and worldwide. This includes a series of workshops and awareness sessions on topics such as: digital accessibility, workplace adaptations, mental health care. During 2021 more than 1,600 employees participated in live workshops, and over 50 events were organised worldwide. Our Airbus Humanity Lab also showcased prosthetic blades made from recycled carbon from our production lines. Highlighting that being unique is valued and that difference is welcome, the Company ran an awareness campaign during 2021 to promote awareness of the importance of digital accessibility for employees with disabilities as a means for inclusion. The Company also engaged in various social diversity programmes during 2021 in partnership with a number of dif ferent associations to promote quality education and mentorship for young people from underprivileged areas. For example, the Company participated in the “La France, une chance. Les entreprises s’engagent!” initiated in 2018 by the French government to encourage business to get involved in helping everyone find their place in society by, for example, recruiting from underprivileged areas promoting education learning and responsible purchasing and creating a link between these underprivileged areas and businesses. During 2021, the Company disclosed its gender pay gap as required through both French and UK legislation and continues to put measures in place to ensure gender pay parity worldwide.


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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