Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

1.2.13 SASB Correspondence Table

Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics

See 1.2.2 Lead the Journey towards Clean Aerospace See 1.2.8 ESG Data Board, section Environmental Performance / Energy See 1.2.2 Lead the Journey towards Clean Aerospace See 1.2.8 ESG Data Board, section Environmental Performance / Waste See 1.2.3.b Cyber Security See 1.2.8 ESG Data Board, section Social Performance / Cybersecurity

Energy Management - - Total energy consumed, percentage grid electricity, percentage renewable RT-AE-130a.1

Hazardous Waste Management - - Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage of hazardous waste recycled - - Number and aggregate quantity of reportable spills, quantity recovered from reportable spills Data Security - - Number of data breaches, percentage involving confidential information - - Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks in company operations and products Product Safety - - Number of recalls issued, total units recalled - - Number of counterfeit parts detected, percentage avoided - - Number of Airworthiness Directives received, total units affected - - Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with product safety Fuel Economy & Emissions in Use-Phase - - Revenue from alternative energy-related products - - Description of approach and discussion of strategy to address fuel economy and strategy to address fuel economy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of products Materials Sourcing - - Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials Business Ethics - - Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with incidents of corruption, bribery, and/or illicit international trade - - Revenue from countries ranked in the “E” or “F” Band of Transparency International’s Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index - - Discussion of processes to manage business ethics risks throughout the value chain Activity metrics - - Production by reportable segment: Production should be disclosed as the number of units produced by product category, where relevant product categories include ground vehicles, aircraft, marine vehicles, vehicle and aircraft components, and space and weapons systems. - - Number of employees

RT-AE-150a.1 RT-AE-150a.2

RT-AE-230a.1 RT-AE-230a.2

RT-AE-250a.1 RT-AE-250a.2 RT-AE-250a.3 RT-AE-250a.4

See 1.2.3.a Aviation and Product Safety

See 1.2.10 EU Taxonomy See 1.2.2 Lead the Journey towards Clean Aerospace

RT-AE-410a.1 RT-AE-410a.2

RT-AE-440a.1 See 1.2.6 Responsible Supply Chain

RT-AE-510a.1 RT-AE-510a.2 RT-AE-510a.3

See 1.2.5 Exemplify Business integrity

See 2.1.4 Results of Operations ( Revenues) See 1.2.8 ESG Data Board

RT-AE-000.A RT-AE-000.B


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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