AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

1.2 Non-Financial Information

1.2.1 The Company’s Approach to Sustainability

Its defence and space portfolio assists government authorities, emergency service providers and healthcare providers in safeguarding citizens worldwide by providing communication, collaboration and intelligence knowledge solutions. Solutions such as Airbus Earth monitoring systems are critical to better understanding the impact of climate change and to monitoring deforestation, ensuring positive contributions to SDG 13, “Climate Action” and SDG 15, “Life on Land”. The COVID-19 crisis has also revealed aviation’s significant value under such critical circumstances, by transporting such goods as masks and ventilators in record time, making a key contribution to SDG 3, “Good Health and Wellbeing”. In addition, aircraft helped stranded families return home, thanks to 39,200 repatriation ights of 5.4 million passengers between March and September 2020. As many faced travel restrictions, this crisis has also raised awareness of the psychological benefits of travel and the physical connection for which the Company and the industry play an essential role. Conscious of the valuable societal needs the Company can satisfy via its range of products and services, Airbus wants to lead a sustainable industry transformation. Furthermore, the Company’s contribution to society and the SDGs goes well beyond what it of fers directly through its products and services. For example, it also contributes significantly to SDG 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth”. According to the 2019 ATAG Benefits Beyond Borders fact sheet, prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the aviation sector supported 87.7 million jobs worldwide, 11.3 million of which were direct jobs in the industry, known for its high-value added professions. Another 18.1 million jobs were supported through the aviation industry supply chain and 13.5 million through induced benefits of industry and employee spending. Finally another 44.8 million jobs supported in the tourism industry.

The Company is now using the term “sustainability” to fully encompass both the notions of responsibility and sustainability, not only to be in line with current business practices but also to re ect a more comprehensive and integrated approach to sustainability. It understands that acting responsibly is a prerequisite, essential to ensuring sustainability, now at the heart of the Company’s new purpose and business strategy. For a description of the Company’s business model and strategy, see “– Information on the Company’s Activities – 1.1.1 Overview”. Sustainability at the Company focuses on the long term success of the Company while ensuring that society can meet its present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. By adopting the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“ SDGs ”), the Company embraces a shared blueprint and common reference as to what will guarantee a sustainable future. It also offers a framework to align its sustainability contributions. In 2019, with the impulse of the Next Chapter transformation, the Company took on the task of rethinking its company purpose and in identifying its most essential contributions to society. With its new purpose statement “We pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world”, the Company defines why it exists: to lead the way in the decarbonisation of our industry and sustainable global travel, to unite and safeguard the citizens of the world, and continually expand human knowledge of our universe, from critical events on earth to the exploration of space. The Company’s purpose is brought to life via its strategy which defines what it does, plans and prioritises. The “what it does” is re ected first and foremost in the product and services portfolio offered to its customers. Its aircraft are essential to uniting families, business leaders, medical professionals, students and diplomats worldwide. In 2019, the aviation sector helped unite 4.5 billion passengers (1) , many of which used Airbus aircraft. In parallel, its helicopters are critical to ensuring medical emergency missions, firefighting missions, search and rescue missions and the performance of geological and wildlife surveys amongst others.

(1) ATAG Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders Global Fact Sheet – September 2020.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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