AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.1 Presentation of the Company


agships, which represent the main areas of interest for focusing the technology maturation to ensure proper adoption by internal and external customers. In terms of main technology achievements, the Division focused on technologies related to automatic processing of information from multiple sources, and enhanced high-resolution satellite image processing and data analytics. Many of those technology bricks are being integrated into the main family of products of the Connected Intelligence Program Line. In Space, significant effort has also been dedicated to work on core technology bricks for the OneSat and Eurostar NEO family of satellites, in the areas of: propulsion, materials and radiation protection. There is special emphasis on radar developments and on telecom payloads, including significant progress on the optical communications roadmap. Big achievements have been made in digitalisation and automation for production and assembly, applicable for both aircraf t and satellites. Highlighted technologies here are artificial vision, augmented reality and enhanced use of cobots (collaborative robots). During 2020, the Defence and Space Division continued developing key technologies for new combat platforms and systems, applicable both for Eurofighter and future elements of the FCAS System-of-Systems. This includes not only platform- related aspects (such as ight physics methods and tools, energy and thermal management developments), but also technology elements related to the cloud-based networking environment in which those platforms will have to operate, combining assets that will have to work collaboratively and in contested environments. This includes manned-unmanned teaming demonstrations. Central Research and Technology (CRT) CRT operates in concert with Technology fast tracks and roadmaps to meet strategic objectives, as well as with divisional R&T to ensure the continuation of CRT activities. At the end of 2020, CRT had 55 projects running concurrently across its six domains. Highlights from these activities include: – – Blue Sky : together with Airbus Engineering, Blue Sky (on behalf of the CTO) successfully led the Airbus Quantum Computing Challenge to its conclusion. The worldwide competition was the first of its kind. It made news around the globe and attracted over 1000 people from more than 70 countries. The winner, Machine Reply, was announced in December 2020 at the Q2B conference. A joint follow-on project between Engineering, CRT, and Machine Reply is expected to take place in 2021. In addition, Blue Sky launched a novel research project on biological means of recycling CFRP, opening the door to novel means of ensuring long- term sustainability in aerospace;

– – Communications : pioneering new communication system architectures and concepts of operation for ultra-high speed connectivity between flying platforms and the terrestrial infrastructure. Proof-of-concept of a special many-core processor design for highly integrated airborne computer systems, including safety-critical and high-performance applications. Unprecedented precision in-door positioning in the aircraft cabin using the existing wireless infrastructure. Adopting research results on secure aircraf t-to-ground equipment communications to the “Keep Trust in Air Travel” initiative to sanitise the aircraft cabin against the COVID-19 virus; – – Materials : green and sustainable materials and process technologies projects have been accelerated, e.g. assessment of different carbon capture routes to raw materials for carbon fibre composites or eco-efficient value streams for Ti64 circular use (from production chips to new powder). Highly efficient multi-functional structures with integrated printed sensors inside the material lay-up have proven their robustness and functional feasibility during coupon testing. Digitalisation Technologies have been shown to accelerate and improve materials analytics and development processes, e.g. striation counting in failure analytics images, evaluation of computer tomography data or physical-chemical data or simulations with a volume element for composite digital twins. Multi-material printing technologies for tailoring parts has shown its feasibility and triggered new application ideas (new heat exchanger design concepts for zero emission ying); – – Electrics : successful demonstration of a high-voltage cable prototype capable of sustaining the required performances in voltage (up to 3 kV) without undesired phenomenon such as partial discharges, and with weight and exibility improvement for installation. The Zero Emission team makes use of this technology; – – Virtual Product Engineering : five projects were concluded and successfully handed over to divisional customers addressing topics in efficient High Power Computing, future Model Based System Engineering, modelling and simulation. Topics launched in 2020 will investigate use of Artificial Intelligence in Modelling and Simulation as well as addressing simulation challenges for future Airbus platforms and industrial systems; – – Data Science : the team has concluded four major projects that contributed either open or inner source software for use in major projects in the business. A new project, Intelligent Observe Orient Decide Act, has been launched with the aim of improving commercial aircraft manufacturing through the delivery of a virtual assistant that integrates planning and scheduling capabilities.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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