AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

4. Corporate Governance / 4.2 Interests of Directors and Principal Executive Officers

The remuneration of the Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors was as follows:



Attendance Fees (2)

Attendance Fees (2)


Fixum (1)

Fixum (1)


(In €)

Non-Executive Board Members René Obermann (3)

117,738 100,000 127,087 100,000 120,000

76,250 193,988 78,000 178,000 90,000 217,087 83,000 183,000 80,000 200,000 48,000 118,879 58,000 128,879 93,000 223,000 85,000 215,000 80,000 180,000 70,000 150,000

100,000 100,000 114,176 100,000 120,000

102,000 107,000 105,000 108,500 105,000

202,000 207,000 219,176 208,500 225,000

Victor Chu

Jean-Pierre Clamadieu (4)

Ralph D. Crosby Jr.

Lord Drayson

70,879 70,879

0 0

0 0

0 0

Mark Dunkerley (5) Stephan Gemkow (5) Catherine Guillouard (6)

130,000 130,000 100,000

127,265 130,000 100,000


222,765 235,000 174,500 145,000

María Amparo Moraleda Martínez

105,000 74,500 65,000


Claudia Nemat Carlos Tavares



Former Non-Executive Board Members Denis Ranque (7)

61,731 35,274

35,000 35,000

96,731 70,274

210,000 122,735


311,000 200,235


Hermann-Josef Lamberti (8)



911,250 2,154,838 1,304,176 1,046,000 2,350,176

(1) Fixum includes a base fee for Board membership and Committee membership within the Audit Committee, the Remuneration, Nomination and Governance Committee (“ RNGC ”) and/or the Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee (“ ECSC ”) as the case may be. The fixum for the year 2020 was paid 50% in January 2020 and 50% in July 2020. The fixum for the year 2019 was paid 50% in January 2019 and 50% in July 2019. (2) 2020 attendance fees include the Board attendance fees and the fees in relation to Audit Committee, RNGC and ECSC meetings. The Board attendance fees related to the first semester 2020 were paid in July 2020, those related to the second semester 2020 were paid in January 2021. The Committees attendance fees related to full year 2020 were paid in January 2021. (3) Chairman of the Board of Directors since 16 April 2020. Member of the Audit Committee until 16 April 2020. Member of the former Ethics & Compliance Committee between 30 July 2019 and 16 April 2020. (4) Member of the former Ethics & Compliance Committee between 10 April 2019 and 16 April 2020. Chair of the ECSC since 16 April 2020. (5) Member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee since 16 April 2020. (6) Chair of the Audit Committee since 10 April 2019. (7) Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the former Ethics & Compliance Committee until 16 April 2020. (8) Member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee until 16 April 2020.

meetings per Committee per year in order to take into account Directors’ attendance at a greater number of Committee meetings when the workload substantially intensifies due to exceptional circumstances. Miscellaneous Policy for Loans and Guarantees Granted The Company’s general policy is not to grant any loan to the Members of the Board of Directors. Unless the law provides otherwise, the Members of the Board of Directors shall be reimbursed by the Company for various costs and expenses, like reasonable costs of defending claims. Under certain circumstances, such as an act or failure to act by a Member of the Board of Directors that can be characterised as intentional, intentionally reckless, or seriously culpable, there will be no entitlement to this reimbursement. The Company has also taken out liability insurance (“ D&O ” – Directors & Officers) for the persons concerned.

The total aggregated remuneration ( i.e. fixum and attendance fee) of the Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors were respectively €2,010,910 in 2018, €2,080,403 in 2017 and €1,750,768 in 2016. The applicable fixum for Board chairmanship as well as the appl icable attendance fees for Board membership and chairmanship remain unchanged since 1 January 2016 (first comprehensive revision since 2007) following the decision made at the 2016 AGM to increase the remuneration of the Chairman (fixum by €30,000 and attendance fees by €5,000) and double (to €10,000) the attendance fees of the non-executive Board Members in order to be in line with market practice, incentivise attendance and recognise the strategic role played by the Board of Directors in the Company developments. The applicable fixum for Board membership as well as Committee membership and chairmanship remain unchanged since 2007. The applicable attendance fees for Committee membership remain unchanged since 1 January 2019 following the decision made at the 2019 AGM to allocate an attendance fee above four

4.2.2 Long-Term Incentives Granted to the Chief Executive Officer

See “– 4.3.3 Long-Term Incentive Plans”.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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