AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

4. Corporate Governance / 4.2 Interests of Directors and Principal Executive Officers Implementation of the Remuneration Policy in 2020: Non-Executive Directors This section describes how the Remuneration Policy was implemented in 2020 in respect of the Non-Executive Directors. In line with the Remuneration Policy, the implementation thereof with regard to the Non-Executive Directors aims at ensuring fair compensation and protecting the independence of the Board’s Members. Their remuneration should be commensurate to the time spent and the responsibilities of their role on the Board of Directors. b)Committee fees: – – fixed fee for membership of a Committee (EUR / year): – – Chairman: 30,000, – – Member of a Committee: 20,000; – – attendance fee for membership of a Committee applicable to chair and members (EUR / additional meeting above four meetings per Committee per year, whether these meetings were held physically or by phone):

– – physical participation: 3,000 if the Chair or Member is based in Europe and double attendance fee amount, i.e. 6,000 if the Chair or Member is based outside Europe, – – par ticipation by phone (whether the meeting is held physically or by phone): 1,500. For personal reasons, and with regards to the implementation of the Remuneration Policy approved at the AGM in 2016, Denis Ranque decided in 2016 and onwards to waive a portion of his remuneration as Chairman of the Board of Directors (Board chairmanship fixum and attendance fees). For 2020, considering the COVID-19 crisis context, Denis Ranque decided that such a waiver will correspond to half of his 2020 remuneration (including fixum and attendance fees) as Chairman of the Board of the Company, equivalent to an amount of € 43,956 (based on the number of Board meetings held from 1 January 2020 until the end of his mandate on 16 April 2020). Considering the COVID-19 crisis context, René Obermann decided to waive half of his 2020 remuneration (including fixum and attendance fees) as Chairman of the Board of the Company, equivalent to an amount of €115,673. These waived amounts are contributed to several non-profit foundations, including the Airbus Foundation.

The last review of the Board remuneration was undertaken in 2018 with the suppor t of an independent consultant. The Board remuneration is in l ine with market practice, incent ivises at tendance and recognises the strategic role played by the Board of Directors in the Company’s developments. The CEO is the only Member of the Board of Directors who is not entitled to any Board membership fee. In 2020, Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors were entitled to the following fees: a) Board fees: – – fixed fee for membership of the Board of Directors (EUR / year):

– – Chairman of the Board: 210,000, – – Member of the Board: 80,000; – – attendance fees (EUR / Board meeting):

– – Chairman: 15,000, – – Member: 10,000. Attendance fees shall decrease by 50% in case of an attendance by phone or a Board meeting held by phone.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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