AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

3. General Description of the Company and its Share Capital /

3.4 Dividends

3.4 Dividends

3.4.1 Dividends and Cash Distributions Paid

Cash distributions paid to the shareholders are set forth in the table below:

Financial year

Date of the cash distribution payment Gross amount per share (1)

Adjusted amount per share (2)



20 April 2017


€ 1.332


18 April 2018


€ 1.483


17 April 2019


€ 1.636


16 April 2020


€ 0

(1) Note: figures take into account the number of shares outstanding at the date of payment. (2) Note: amounts per share adjusted to the current number of shares outstanding as of 31 December 2020.

3.4.2 Dividend Policy of the Company

pandemic, and the Company continues to face significant risks and uncertainties. As a result, there will be no dividend proposed for 2020. (FY 2019: dividend proposal of € 1.80 per share was revoked following the COVID-19 outbreak). This decision aims at strengthening the Company’s financial resilience by protecting its Net Cash position and at supporting the Company’s ability to adapt as the situation evolves. In the absence of a dividend proposal for 2020, no resolution related to a dividend proposal will be presented at the AGM.

In December 2013, Airbus formal ised a dividend pol icy demonstrating a strong commitment to shareholders returns. This policy targets sustainable growth in the dividend within a pay-out ratio of 30%-40%. However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted the world economy, commercial air traffic, commercial aircraft demand, the aerospace industry and consequently, the Company’s business operations and financial performance. As the global health and economic crisis still evolves, the Company’s business, results of operations and financial condition continue to be materially affected by the COVID-19

3.4.3 Unclaimed Dividends

dividends shall lapse five years after the day on which the claim for payment of the dividend against which the interim dividend could be distributed becomes due and payable.

Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the claim for payment of a dividend or other distribution approved by the shareholders’ meeting shall lapse five years after the day on which such claim becomes due and payable. The claim for payment of interim

3.4.4 Taxation

and which may be substantially different from the general rules described below. Investors who are in doubt as to their tax position in the Netherlands and in their state of residence should consult their professional advisors. Where the summary refers to “the Netherlands” or “Netherlands” or “Dutch”, it refers only to the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The statements below represent a broad analysis of the current tax laws of the Netherlands. The description is limited to the material tax implications for a holder of the Company’s shares (the “ Shares ”) who is not and is not deemed to be resident in the Netherlands for any Dutch tax purposes (a “ Non-Resident Holder ”). Certain categories of holders of the Company’s shares may be subject to special rules which are not addressed below


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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