AIRBUS - 2020 Universal Registration Document

3. General Description of the Company and its Share Capital / 3.3 Shareholdings and Voting Rights Description of the Share Repurchase Programme to Be Authorised

by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to Be Held on 14 April 2021

Pursuant to Articles 241-2-I and 241-3 of the AMF General Regulations, below is a description of the share repurchase programme ( descriptif du programme ) to be implemented by the Company: – – date of the shareholders’ meeting to authorise the share repurchase programme : 14 April 2021; – – intended use of the Airbus SE shares held by the Company as of the date of this document : the owning of shares for the performance of obligations related to employee share option programmes or other allocations of shares to employees of Airbus and Airbus’ companies; – – purposes of the share repurchase programme to be implemented by the Company (by order of decreasing priority, without any effect on the actual order of use of the repurchase authorisation, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors based on need): – – the reduction of share capital by cancellation of all or part of the repurchased shares, it being understood that the repurchased shares shall not carry any voting or dividend rights, – – the owning of shares for the performance of obligations related to (i) debt financial instruments convertible into Airbus SE shares, or (ii) employee share option programmes or other allocations of shares to employees of Airbus and Airbus’ companies, – – the purchase of shares for retention and subsequent use for exchange or payment in the framework of potential external growth transactions, and – – the liquidity or dynamism of the secondary market of the Airbus SE shares carried out pursuant to a liquidity agreement to be entered into with an independent investment services provider in compliance with the decision of the AMF dated 1 October 2008 (as amended) related to approval of liquidity agreements recognised as market practices by the AMF; – – procedure : – – maximum portion of the issued share capital that may be repurchased by the Company: 10%, – – maximum number of shares that may be repurchased by the Company: 78,414,927 shares, based on an issued share capital of 784,149,270 shares as of 17 February 2021, – – the amounts to be paid in consideration for the purchase of the treasury shares must be, in accordance with applicable Dutch law, a price per share not less than the nominal value and not more than the higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent bid on the trading venues of the regulated market of the country in which the purchase is carried out;

– – the Company undertakes to maintain at any time a sufficient number of shares in public hands to meet the thresholds of Euronext, shares may be bought or sold at any time (including during a public offering) to the extent authorised by the stock exchange regulations and by any means, including, without limitation, by means of block trades and including the use of options, combinations of derivative financial instruments or the issue of securities giving rights in any way to Airbus SE shares within the limits set out in this document; – – the portion of shares repurchased through the use of block trades may amount to all the shares to be repurchased in the context of this programme. In addition, in the event that derivative financial instruments are used, the Company will ensure that it does not use mechanisms which would significantly increase the volatility of the shares in particular in the context of call options, characteristics of the shares to be repurchased by the Company: shares of Airbus SE, a company listed on Euronext Paris, on the regulierter Markt of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona and Valencia Stock Exchanges; – – maximum purchase price per share : €100; – – term of the share repurchase programme and other characteristics : this share repurchase programme shall be valid until 16 October 2021 inclusive, i.e. the date of expiry of the authorisation requested from the AGM of Shareholders to be held on 14 April 2021. As of the date of this document, the Company has not entered into any liquidity agreement with an independent investment services provider in the context of the share repurchase programme. Share Repurchase Programme 2020 In February 2021, the Company started implementing a share buyback programme that was conferred by Board of Directors on 17 February 2021 following the authorisation by the Company’s Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 16 April 2020. This share buyback programme is reported in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation.


Airbus / Registration Document 2020

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