AFD - Universal Registration Document 2020


Several webinars were provided to support employees and managers on the topics most closely related to their concerns: “Parents and children in confinement, staying calm during the crisis”, “Remote management in times of crisis”, “Managing the transition and supporting your team during de-confinement”, “Opening spaces for the team to express”, “Raising-awareness on the ergonomics of the workstation at home”. Distance training is now also available to managers, to support them in their role as a player in the quality of life at work, and to consolidate their remote management skills, which may be used in the future. Although the AFD Group has already experienced a significant and steady increase in teleworking for employees at head office for several years, this way of working has suddenly become fully-applied and sustainable in practice, with its share of opportunities but also risks. The adaptability and agility of the teams, which continued to perform their duties in a highly operational manner, were noteworthy. This “full-scale test” enabled the Group to overcome any fears that might still remain. A survey conducted among all employees in September shows greater support for teleworking and encourages a reflection on post-crisis teleworking on the social dialogue agenda.

rolled out during the year to deal with the Covid-19 crisis and the profound organisational changes it may have brought about. Thus, the psychosocial risk prevention systems already in place were maintained and some were strengthened. For example, a psychological assistance platform, accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for employees at the head office and the network, was deployed from March to September, in order to respond to the increasing number of requests made in this context of uncertainty and potential stress. Tele-risks were regularly identified and the DUERP (Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document) updated accordingly. Prevention players (managers, HR managers, social partners, occupational health services, psychologists, mediators, etc.) were more involved and critical situations were dealt with in a collegial manner. The preservation of health and the benevolence of management were the key words in view of the constraints imposed on the teams (material conditions for teleworking, which are sometimes difficult, schooling for children at home, etc.). Communication with employees from Management, Human Resources, the General Secretariat and the internal crisis unit was regular to inform, support, reassure and disseminate best practices and maintain contact with employees.



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