AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document

STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2 Transparency and dialogue with stakeholders

Internally, AFD has a legal notice and a procedure for the disclosure of information to provide a framework for implementing transparency and ensuring compliance with the rules applying to confidential information and business secrecy. The information disclosure requests may concern information reported on AFD’s website, AFD’s open data platform, and the IATI registry, or other information on the AFD Group, its strategy, financing transactions and intellectual productions.

AFD is continuing to reinforce its policy to publish business data in the IATI format on its open data website (1) . In particular, since 2021, the open data portal has a specific section listing projects with climate co-benefits, which makes it possible to distinguish, for each of them, the amounts dedicated to adaptation and mitigation. As at 31 ɸ December 2021, the published project data covered 81% of sovereign and non-sovereign financing exceeding €100,000 and falling in the transparency scope for all its countries of operation.

❙ Number and % of sovereign and non-sovereign financing published in IATI and format

2021 2,107 1,705

2020 2,107 1,649

Financial aid to be disclosed (number) Financial aid disclosed (number)

Financial aid disclosed ࣢ (%)



stakeholder consultation (civil society organisations, regional government authorities, companies, research institutes, ɸ etc.) prior to submission to the Board of Directors. Once approved, these strategic documents are available on AFD’s website. In order to be as broad as possible, stakeholder consultation on strategic documents is generally conducted through a digital consultation platform (3) . On the basis of registration on the platform, which is open to all, stakeholders are invited to comment, react and vote on the AFD Group’s proposals; they may also add other proposals which they deem relevant for the Group. Thus, in 2021, AFD launched a digital consultation on the political and citizen transition strategy to enable stakeholders to react to the proposals of this strategy. The online consultation took place in June and July ɸ 2021 and collected 136 ɸ votes and 55 ɸ contributions. The AFD Group also conducted a mid-term review of its energy transition strategy. The work was discussed with external stakeholders such as the Climate Action Network, Oxfam, OCI (Oil Change International), E3G and Coordination Sud (GERES, ɸ etc.), as well as Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. As a result, the strategy’s climate goals were made more ambitious. All stakeholder contributions are available to all on the digital consultation platform. This policy also makes dialogue part of an approach fostering continuous improvement, mutual learning, innovation and impact. In this respect, it encompasses more than just information and communication. When investigating and implementing the projects it funds, AFD ensures, through legal conditions and support processes, that the project owner consults with the various stakeholders. For projects with significant environmental and social risks, AFD applies the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework. Revised in 2016, the Framework now includes measures regarding the responsibility to involve stakeholders at each and every stage of a project.

2.5.2 Transparency of relations with French and European parliamentarians

AFD is registered in the European Commission transparency register (2) . This register enables public and private organisations, interest groups and more generally civil society as a whole to exercise a monitoring role with regard to possible influence on legislative processes and the implementation of public policies. Moreover, at the request of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP), AFD chose to register in the directory of interest representatives as of 2021. Each year, AFD must report on influence-related actions undertaken and on the corresponding resources. The adoption, on 4 ɸ August 2021, of the programming law on solidarity-based development and the fight against global inequalities, the increased number of requests from parliamentarians, and the growth of loans dedicated to development aid led AFD to intensify its institutional relations. This reinforcement of ties notably explains the inclusion in the HATVP register and will enable AFD to meet a legal obligation, in a shared spirit of transparency. 2.5.3 Dialogue with stakeholders Under its corporate social responsibility policy, AFD has entered into dialogue with its stakeholders. This dialogue helps take on board the wants and needs of stakeholders and stay as closely tuned to their concerns as possible. The transparency and dialogue policy acknowledges this dialogue with stakeholders as a cornerstone of AFD’s corporate social responsibility approach, insofar as it helps to factor social, environmental, ethical and human rights concerns into the Group’s strategies. The strategic documents prepared by AFD, which determine its areas of operation with respect to sectors, regions and cross-business issues, are subject to

(1) (2) (3)



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