AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document

STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Transparency and dialogue with stakeholders

P lastly, a total of €850M in project loans and grants classified as CAD2 were granted in 2021 (AFD excluding Proparco). In 2021, AFD pursued its activities in the cultural and creative industries, with €9.9M in loans and commitments. In 2021, activities mainly focused on the African continent and on priority countries. AFD has been active in matters relating to African heritage, in Zimbabwe in particular, where it was asked to finance the restoration of the historic site of Great Zimbabwe; it also addresses professionalisation in the sector, cultural entrepreneurship, and governance in the context of cultural policies. In line with its new mandate, the team also began to roll out its support for the other technical divisions of the AFD Group, with four projects supported and €110.8M in committed amounts. In the field of sport and development, the year 2021 was marked by a change in the positioning of the sports team, which now provides further support to the other divisions in the integration of sports components. AFD’s activity in this area remained stable in 2021 with six loans granted and €6M in committed amounts, including two grants to the “education” department in the amount of €3M (Rwanda and Comoros). The project management activity mainly takes the form of multi-country projects based in Africa, and is divided into five main areas: school sport and support for the education sector; the emancipation of girls and women through sport; the strengthening of governance and strategy; the strengthening of local infrastructures, and their management; and finally the strengthening of the sports and associative networks.

on inequalities which are under way, steered by the AFD’s Research Department. Financed by the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA) and implemented by AFD, the Inequalities Research Facility (1) aims to develop knowledge about inequalities in low- and middle-income countries. After the success of the first phase implemented in around thirty countries from 2017 to 2020 (2) , AFD and the EU launched a second phase in four countries: South Africa, Mexico, Colombia and Indonesia. With €3M in funding over five years, this extension will contribute to the development of more effective public policies to reduce inequalities as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Moreover, in order to foster co-construction, the social ties division developed a guide on this topic that will serve as a bridge to AFD’s other technical divisions. The year 2021 focused on gender equality, pursuant to the feminist strategy of the Presidency of the Republic. In 2021, AFD’s teams continued to strengthen and improve their capacity to take into account gender inequalities in projects, in order to achieve and exceed the gender equality targets: P financing classified as CAD1 (one of the project objectives includes the gender dimension) and CAD2 (the main objective of the project is the fight against gender inequalities) represented 50% of financing (3) ; P 25.6% of grant financing (209 programme) was classified as CAD2, exceeding the target by 10 points. The target set is an average of 15% per year for the 2020-2022 period;


2.5 Transparency and dialogue with stakeholders

standard of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), whilst taking on board the expectations of its stakeholders. The transparency and dialogue policy reflects the Group’s desire to better respond to the growing demand for information and explanations expressed by its stakeholders with regard to its governance, strategy and objectives, the financing granted, and the goals and results of the French development aid policy mainly implemented by the Group. It is based on five principles: usefulness, openness, the protection of trust and sensitive information, attentive listening, and dialogue.

2.5.1 Transparency of funds granted Transparency of funding is a strong corporate and social responsibility challenge for AFD Group. Transparency of AFD’s activities must be guaranteed in compliance with the regulatory requirements associated with its legal status (business secrecy) and protection personal data and individual and public freedoms guaranteed by the French data protection laws. Through its policy of transparency and dialogue (4) , the AFD Group strives to comply with the best practices observed by other sponsors and with international standards, including the

(1) (2) More than a hundred research papers and “policy briefs” resulted from the 22 projects carried out during the first phase of the Inequalities Research Facility. These deliverables are based on the results of research and consultations conducted from 2017 to 2020. They aim to inform governments and development actors of the implementation of public policies which are more sensitive to inequalities. See the summary: ressources/eu-afd-research-facility-inequalities-2017-2020-synthesis (3) The OECD monitors aid efforts for gender equality and women’s rights using this gender equality aid policy marker, a statistical tool prepared by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC). (4) The scope of this policy concerns AFD and its subsidiary Proparco, and provides for specific adaptations for AFD and Proparco. It is available on the AFD website ( Expertise France publishes data on purchase contracts and grants of more than €15,000 awarded as part of technical cooperation projects.



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