AFD // 2021 Universal Registration Document

PRESENTATION OF AFD Activities of the Agence Française de Développement Group in 2021

to enable CCI players in Africa to better produce, finance, promote and disseminate work. The Transform’Action pilot project, launched in the summer of 2021, will enable managers of public organisations in Senegal and Niger to develop innovative managerial practices and to become transformation facilitators at their organisations. The BiPP (Biodiversity Partner Programme) course, launched in June ɸ 2021, allowed 15 ɸ entrepreneurs and intra-preneurs , from eight southern African countries, to discover deep ecology, accelerate their pro nature projects and anchor their leadership positions. Lastly, the “Learning Regions” pilot project in the African continent, supported by the company project knowledge programme, aims to roll out collective learning to meet the transitional challenges of a region. In 2021, the Campus continued to develop its production of online educational resources. Around thirty new educational resources were promoted each month on e-Campus, the AFD Group’s online educational resources portal. In 2021, over 10,000 ɸ users consulted more than 70,000 ɸ resources on this portal. Season ɸ 3 of the “News of Tomorrow” series was uploaded in November, addressing a collection of inspiring new personalities committed to major transitions, and inviting people to search, think, transmit, produce or live differently. It will be supplemented by two other series, on the lessons of research in the service of major transitions towards the SDGs entitled “On the Research side”, and on the design and implementation of development projects, seen from the side of practitioners and beneficiaries, entitled “News from Here”, currently under development. Three new MOOCs were also launched in 2021: on gender, in partnership with Expertise France, on urban mobility, with CODATU, and on sustainable and innovative cities, with Ademe. Lastly, a number of educational vignettes on climate change were designed and produced by the Campus, addressing various themes such as mitigation, adaptation, Bilan Carbone ® (carbon assessments), biodiversity-climate convergence, financial climate risks or low-carbon trajectories. The year in 2021 also saw the launch of new instructions, to prepare the innovative training courses of tomorrow. Examples include the preparation of a training course on PPPs, a training course on the creation of an Academy of Mediterranean Worlds, and a training programme on participatory urban planning. In 2021, the Campus consolidated its position as a Group Campus by piloting training courses on behalf of Expertise France and Proparco. Service agreements were signed in 2021 between the Campus and these two subsidiaries, to clearly define the Campus’s specific contribution to the themes of community leadership, 21 st ɸ century skills, and themultidisciplinary approach. Through the collective intelligence and foresight methodologies it deploys, it is closely associated with the follow-up to the Africa-France Summit, in the vein of the “Interdependencies” project that it launched with other AFD divisions, to reinvent the relationship between the South and the North, and the ODA narrative. The Campus continued to reinforce its positioning as a platform, multiplying structuring partnerships for the deployment of its training actions. New partnerships were set up in 2021, for example with Trace Academia, FMDV, So Good, Makesense Africa, Institut des Futurs Souhaitables, Agir pour le Vivant,

Publications are promoted through various channels: the dedicated Études et savoirs newsletter; active presence on social media (1,347 ɸ members and 3,039 ɸ subscribers of the dedicated LinkedIn group); use of various formats (videos and motion design, computer graphics, ɸ etc.); as well as events held around the publications. The development campus The year in 2021 was marked by the publication of the Campus catalogue, the result of a year of design and implementation work (which was an opportunity to continue the drive to reposition the Campus as a team). This catalogue will be updated over time to reflect the continuous enhancement of the training courses provided. The catalogue displays the wide range of courses designed by the Campus, always co-constructed with its partners, and its positioning as a laboratory for educational innovation at the service of players involved in projects and policies on the transition to sustainable development. In 2021, the Campus continued to roll out its emblematic and innovative courses, highlighting the acquisition of key skills to contribute to transitions, through new educational approaches. It is worth highlighting the Sahélien.nes 2040 project, which uses a transmission/transformation methodology of positive foresight to help a cohort of men and women form Sahel to think about a desirable future for their region and to propose the first steps to make it come to life. The project was recognised at the last France-Africa Summit in Montpellier, on the one hand as being the “backer” of two start-ups invited to a meeting with the President of the Republic, and on the other as inspiring the methodology that made it possible to support the “start-ups” in their participation in this summit. It is also worth mentioning the Mouv’Outremer programme which, by using design thinking and prototyping, mobilises committed players in the French Overseas Departments and Collectivities around concrete projects aimed at achieving the SDGs. After the Antilles-French Guiana zone in 2020, Indian Ocean zone participants were supported in 2021. Several older campus projects also confirmed their relevance: the Play project, of course, which continues to be rolled out internally, externally and among aid operators; the SIBC project, which supports a cohort of around 40 impact entrepreneurs as they scale up; the Lead Campus and Young Leaders projects, which offer high-potential African people the keys to developing their leadership and their ability to manage their business, and develop a network young African and French talent. Lastly, MoDEV, a professional master’s programme in project management and the challenges of sustainable development, supported a new 2021 generation of 40 master’s students in Clermont, Marseille and remotely. The activity of supporting and leading communities of change agents is still a key component of the training offer. In 2021, the Campus coordinated around ten learning communities bringing together players from various horizons involved in transitions. In particular, with EGI, the Campus is working on the design and management of a platform to bring together and support the players involved in the modernisation of the energy sector in our countries of operation, as part of the Digital Energy Facility. In 2021, new courses were also initiated. Among them, a course on CCIs, with Trace Accademia and Senghor University,




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