AFD - 2019 Universal registration document


Ameaningful work environment

❙ A review of collective agreements (and notifications of disapprovals) signed in 2019


Agreement on system of property loans granted to AFD employees.

07/02/2019 07/02/2019

Agreement in favour of employment and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Agreement on functioning of the local Social and Economic Committees and the central Social and Economic Committee

07/02/2019 05/04/2019 02/07/2019

Agreement on duration of term of office of employee representatives


Notification of disapproval Negotiation on remuneration, working hours, and the sharing of added value in 2018 Agreement on method for negotiating the agreement to replace the Mayotte Staff Regulations dated 16 Ǿ June Ǿ 2014. Collective company agreement on implementation of the AGRIC-ARRCO complementary retirement pension scheme at the Mayotte establishment.


19/07/2019 22/07/2019

Agreement on the standby mechanism

Amendment to the agreement in favour of employment and inclusion of people with disabilities.

In 2018 mechanisms and personnel were deployed to prevent psychosocial risks (internal mediator, ethics adviser, psychological support, medico-social service, watchdog unit for suffering at work). They have been reinforced by the creation of an external counselling unit, focusing on discrimination and harassment. These personnel are working to improve their coordination to deal with emerging psychosocial risk situations. In addition, a unit to prevent and deal with moral or sexual harassment situations has been put in place. Home-working helps to create a better balance between private and professional life, and has been very widely adopted. in parallel, a charter on the right to disconnect has been drafted and communicated to all employees. A “Random Lunch” scheme and conferences on themes relating to well-being at work enable colleagues to meet up and generate a friendlier work environment. Particular emphasis has been placed on training and awareness- raising: a module on quality of life at work has been included in the managers’ training programme; awareness-raising of psychosocial risks is accessible to all employees via e-learning modules; personal development courses are available as part of the training plan for all employees (mindfulness, assertiveness, time management, non-violent communication, etc.). Security of Group employees The security of property and people in the AFD Group is based on several internal rules and policies, and in particular: i) a Group security policy (PSEC), ii) an agency security policy (PSAG). These documents are brought to the attention of all Group employees. Furthermore, the Group has deployed an international security management system that is regularly audited by the AFD General Inspectorate.

Employment negotiations with bodies representing Group personnel during 2019 focused mainly on reviewing salaries (NAO - mandatory annual negotiations) and profit sharing. In addition, the negotiations that began in 2018 led to the signature of several agreements: functioning of bodies, Disability, Quality of Life at work (including home working) and property loans. 2019 was also marked by the negotiation of specific provisions for employees at the Mayotte office (introduction of a complementary retirement pension scheme and negotiations concerning the new Staff Regulations). 2.8.4 Quality of employee working conditions and safety AFD Group strives to ensure high-quality working conditions and the safety of persons. Quality of working conditions AFD wishes to preserve its employees’ quality of life at work, and has instigated an ambitious policy in this field. 2019 saw the completion of negotiations concerning quality of life at work, which will constitute the AFD roadmap for the next three years. This agreement is structured around 4 main objectives: i) better take into account the human dimension in organisation of work; ii) promote a better balance between private and professional life; iii) prevent and manage psychosocial risks; iv) promote well-being at work.



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